SFL: SpectraMax files

This is a STANDARDIZED FILE LOADER to load SpectraMax files.
Processing modes
The loader creates three waves to store information. These waves are by default killed as soon as loading completes, but can optionally also be preserved which is usally only needful for any kind of debugging purposes.
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This loader will read .L00 files recorded with Jobin-Yvon's SpectraMax software Version 1.1d directly into waves and name the waves according to the file structure. If e.g. the loader finds two spectra à three regions in a particular file, six waves will be created whereas the last wave gets the name filename_Sp2_Re3. Manual renaming is also provided. SpectraMax files that contain data blocks are not supported.Processing modes
The loader creates three waves to store information. These waves are by default killed as soon as loading completes, but can optionally also be preserved which is usally only needful for any kind of debugging purposes.
Distribution Details
- Experiments: none
- Procedure Files: udStFiLrDelimitedText
- XOPS: none
- Demos: none
- Required Packages: Standard Structure and Functions
- Optional Packages: appears as a loader in the Standard Panel
- Help Files: none
- Documentation: this Web page, procedure file header
Installation Notes
Download and unzip the archive. Put the loader into the User Procedures file of Igor Pro. Make an alias (shortcut) to the .ipf file and move it to the Igor Procedures folder when you want to have the procedure always resident. Otherwise, include it into an experiment to have it present.Project Details
Project License: | http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php |
Project CVS: | http://svn.igorexchange.com/viewvc/packages/udStFiLrSpectraMax/ |
Current Project Release
udStFiLrSpectraMax IGOR.6.03.x-3.x-dev
Release File: | udStFiLrSpectraMax-IGOR.6.03.x-3.x-dev.zip (9.26 KB) |
Version: | IGOR.6.03.x-3.x-dev |
Version Date: | |
Version Major: | 3 |
Version Extra: | dev |
OS Compatibility: | Mac-Intel Windows |
Release Notes: | Initial dev release, works for loading SpectraMax files, but has still some issues to be improved. |



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