EccentricXPS - Analysis and Organisation of XPS Spectra

EccentricXPS is an Igor Pro procedure initially written to load, display and analyze the two-dimensional x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) images produced by our VG Scienta SES 200 hemispherical analyzer at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. EccentricXPS can load and display the images from the raw .txt files produced by the SES software (version 1.2.2, build 37) and then convert the images to normal one-dimensional spectra, which can be easily displayed, compared and fitted, either as single spectra or in bulk.
Over time the procedure has been expanded to also be able to load, display and analyze the Auger-yield NEXAFS images we have been measuring at the Materials Science beamline at Elettra in Trieste using the KolXPD software (version The Auger-yield NEXAFS images, measured as photon energy vs. kinetic energy, can be displayed, photoemission features travelling through the images can be removed and the spectra converted into normal one-dimensional spectra. These one-dimensional spectra can, just as the XPS spectra, easily be displayed, compared and fitted, either as single spectra or in bulk as a group.
A more thorough description of how the photoemission features are removed from the NEXAFS images can be found here: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.elspec.2017.05.012
The EccentricXPS_v1.201.zip file contains the procedure file EccentricXPS_v1.201.ipf, an extensive help file EccentricXPS_Help_v1.201.ihf, and an Igor experiment file EccentricXPS_Examples_v1.201.pxp with a collection of spectra that can be used to test the full functionality of EccentricXPS.
To have the procedure load automatically when you start up Igor Pro copy the procedure file EccentricXPS_v1.201.ipf, or a shortcut to the file, into your Igor Procedures folder, typically located in C:\Program Files\WaveMetrics\Igor Pro Folder\Igor Procedures. To have the help file load automatically you also need to copy the EccentricXPS_Help_v1.201.ihf file, or a shortcut to the file, into your Igor Help Files folder, typically located in C:\Program Files\WaveMetrics\Igor Pro Folder\Igor Help Files.
The procedure when loaded will create two new menu items: XPS and NEXAFS. A good place to start would be to click Help in the XPS menu, which will open the help file and a description of what the different menu selections will do.
Project Details
Project License: | https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT |
Current Project Release
EccentricXPS - Analysis and Organisation of XPS Spectra IGOR.6.30.x-1.201
Release File: | EccentricXPS_v1.201.zip (14.33 MB) |
Version Date: | |
Version Major: | 1 |
Version Patch Level: | 201 |
OS Compatibility: | Windows |
Release Notes: |
Contains the procedure and help files, including an Igor experiment file with a collection of spectra to test the procedure on. |



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