Shortcuts for Unicode Greek symbols

function UGreek() // LOWER CASE String/G kAlpha = "\u03B1" String/G kBeta = "\u03B2" String/G kGamma = "\u03B3" String/G kDelta = "\u03B4" String/G kEpsilon = "\u03B5" String/G kZeta = "\u03B6" String/G kEta = "\u03B7" String/G kTheta = "\u03B8" String/G kIota = "\u03B9" String/G kKappa = "\u03BA" String/G kLambda = "\u03BB" String/G kMu = "\u03BC" String/G kNu = "\u03BD" String/G kXi = "\u03BE" String/G kOmicron = "\u03BF" String/G kPi = "\u03C0" String/G kRho = "\u03C1" String/G kSigma = "\u03C3" String/G kTau = "\u03C4" String/G kUpsilon = "\u03C5" String/G kPhi = "\u03C6" String/G kChi = "\u03C7" String/G kPsi = "\u03C8" String/G kOmega = "\u03C9" end
When typing in an annotation entry, use the escape sequence
. I anticipate some objections to using so manyglobal strings. Please suggest a better approach if you know of one.
The extension to other symbols is obvious. I found a useful UTF table at http://www.fileformat.info/info/charset/UTF-8/list.htm



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and then use
. But it is not exactly short on the calling site.October 18, 2016 at 12:23 pm - Permalink
As before enter annotations as \{GK("LatinCharacter")} .
Added: I should have used
function/S GK(char)
, but interestingly the /T flag compiled and worked, even if not documented.Here is the History output for a simple test function (it is better aligned in monospaced font)
October 20, 2016 at 04:49 am - Permalink