Image Montage

// Menu item for easy execution Menu "Macros" "Make Montage...", MontageSetUp() End // Requires 8-bit images. Will accept RGB and grayscale. // Triggers load of TIFF stack for making montage Function MontageSetUp() ImageLoad/O/Q/T=tiff/S=0/C=-1/LR3D/N=masterImage "" WAVE/Z masterImage if(!WaveExists(masterImage)) Abort "Image load error" endif Variable nSlices = V_numImages if(nSlices < 2) Abort "Must have two or more slices" endif Variable rr=1,cc=1,gg=0 String usrmsg = " (note that your stack has " + num2str(nSlices) + " slices)" Prompt rr, "Rows:" + usrmsg Prompt cc, "Columns:" Prompt gg, "Grout (px):" DoPrompt "Montage details", rr,cc,gg if(V_Flag == 1) Abort "The user pressed Cancel" endif if(rr == 0 || cc == 0) Print "Rows or columns must be > 0" return -1 elseif((rr * cc) < nSlices) Print "Montage shows first", (rr * cc), "slices only." elseif((rr * cc) > nSlices) Print "Montage has", ((rr * cc) - nSlices), "blanks." endif MontageMaker(masterImage,rr,cc,gg,S_path) End //This procedure works in Igor 7.0 and later //// @param masterImage TIFF stack to be split //// @param nRows Montage will be nRows tall //// @param nColumns Montage will be nColumns wide //// @param grout Pixels of grouting between panels (no border) //// @param pathString String containing path to original TIFF stack Function MontageMaker(masterImage,nRows,nColumns,grout,pathString) Wave masterImage Variable nRows,nColumns,grout String pathString NewPath/O/Q imagePath, pathString if(!WaveExists(masterImage)) Print "Image does not exist" return 0 endif Variable tSize = dimsize(masterImage,3) Variable zSize = dimsize(masterImage,2) Variable xSize = dimsize(masterImage,1) Variable ySize = dimsize(masterImage,0) Variable x1 = (xSize * nColumns) + (grout * (nColumns-1)) Variable y1 = (ySize * nRows) + (grout * (nRows-1)) Variable nLayers if(tSize == 0) // case where there are no chunks assume BW stack nLayers = zSize Make/B/U/O/N=(x1,y1) newMontage = 255 else // if there are chunks then assume RGB stack nLayers = tSize Make/B/U/O/N=(x1,y1,zSize) newMontage = 255 endif Variable xPos=0,ypos=0 Variable i,j for(i = 0; i < nLayers; i += 1) xPos = mod(i,nColumns) yPos = floor(i/nColumns) x1 = (xSize * xPos) + (grout * xPos) y1 = (ySize * yPos) + (grout * yPos) if(tSize == 0) Duplicate/O/FREE/RMD=[][][i,i] masterImage, subImage ImageTransform /INSI=subImage/INSX=(x1)/INSY=(y1) InsertImage newMontage else for(j = 0; j < 3; j += 1) Duplicate/O/FREE/RMD=[][][j][i,i] masterImage, subImage ImageTransform/P=(j)/INSI=subImage/INSX=(x1)/INSY=(y1) InsertImage newMontage endfor endif endfor KillWindow/Z result NewImage/N=result newMontage KillWaves masterImage ImageSave/P=imagePath/T="tiff" newMontage End



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