Plot waves from different folders in different graphs with consistent colours and markers

(1) your data is organized in different folders within root
(2) wave names across different folder are the same
(3) you want to create different graphs, each of them containing data from different folders, with consistent markers and colours
(4) colours and markers are predefined within a wave in root
Here is an example: First, make some data:
NewDataFolder/O/S run1 Make/O/N=20 SiO2,MgO,K2O SiO2=45+p+enoise(3) MgO=15-p/2+enoise(2) K2O=abs(p+enoise(1)) SetDataFolder root: NewDataFolder/O/S run2 Make/O/N=20 SiO2,MgO,K2O SiO2=45+p+enoise(3) MgO=15-p/2+enoise(2) K2O=abs(p+enoise(1)) SetDataFolder root: NewDataFolder/O/S run3 Make/O/N=20 SiO2,MgO,K2O SiO2=45+p+enoise(3) MgO=15-p/2+enoise(2) K2O=abs(p+enoise(1)) SetDataFolder root:
Next, you'll need to define a colour and marker wave:
Make/O/N=(3,4) MarkerWave // set x DimLabels matching the folders from which to plot data SetDimLabel 0, 0, run1, MarkerWave SetDimLabel 0, 1, run2, MarkerWave SetDimLabel 0, 2, run3, MarkerWave // set y Dimlabels for colour and marker type SetDimLabel 1, 0, R, MarkerWave SetDimLabel 1, 1, G, MarkerWave SetDimLabel 1, 2, B, MarkerWave SetDimLabel 1, 3, Marker, MarkerWave // fill in some values MarkerWave[0][0]= {0,0,65535} MarkerWave[0][1]= {0,65535,65535} MarkerWave[0][2]= {65535,0,0} MarkerWave[0][3]= {16,19,23} Edit MarkerWave.ld
Next, use the following snippet....:
function PlotXYDataFromFolders(MarkerWave, GraphName, x, y) wave/Z markerWave string GraphName string x, y // make sure we are in Root and check if MarkerWave exists SetDataFolder root: if(!WaveExists(MarkerWave)) DoAlert 0, "No MakerWave!" return 0 endif // define some variables and strings variable nFolders = DimSize(MarkerWave, 0) variable i string folder string Traces, ThisTrace string legendStr ="" // Check if graph exists, if yes kill it and make a new one DoWindow/F $GraphName if(V_flag) KillWindow $GraphName endif Display/N=$GraphName // run through all folder listed in MarkerWave for(i=0; i<nFolders; i+=1) // get folder name from DimensionLabel of MarkerWave folder = GetDimLabel(MarkerWave, 0, i) // check if this folder exists, if not give error if(!DataFolderExists(folder)) DoAlert 0, "No such folder" printf "No folder %s\r", folder return -1 endif // folder exists: set the data folder SetDatafolder $"root:"+ folder // check if waves x and y exist wave/z xx = $x wave/z yy = $y if( !WaveExists(xx) || !WaveExists(yy) ) DoAlert 0, "WaveExists Error" SetDataFolder root: return -2 endif // x and y exist: now append the waves AppendToGraph yy vs xx // get the name of the last trace added to graph traces = TraceNameList("", ";", 1) ThisTrace = StringFromList(i, traces) // set mode to "Marker" ModifyGraph mode($ThisTrace) = 3 // change the marker ModifyGraph marker($ThisTrace) = MarkerWave[i][%Marker] // change the colour ModifyGraph rgb($ThisTrace) = (MarkerWave[i][%R], MarkerWave[i][%G], MarkerWave[i][%B]) // add sqequence to legend string legendstr += "\\s("+ThisTrace+") " + folder +"\r" SetDataFolder root: endfor // add axis labels Label Bottom, x Label Left, y // add legend Legend/C/N=text0 legendStr // add more formatting.... ModifyGraph useMrkStrokeRGB=1 ModifyGraph mirror = 2 return 1 end
....and execute:
PlotXYDataFromFolders(MarkerWave,"MgOvsSiO2", "SiO2", "MgO") PlotXYDataFromFolders(MarkerWave,"K2OvsSiO2", "SiO2", "K2O")



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