Readout a Fluke oscilloscope via GPIB

#pragma TextEncoding = "Windows-1252" #pragma rtGlobals=3 // Use modern global access method and strict wave access. /// Acquire spectra from an oscilloscope /// Tested with a Fluke PM3394B using a PCI GPIB card on Windows 7 and Igor Pro 7 beta /// The oscilloscope understands SCPI, I've included some commands to add proper units /// to the acquired data. /// /// Steps: /// - Connect oscilloscope /// - Adapt board and device in Initialize() /// - Call Initialize(), maybe even twice /// - Call AcquireData() /// - Voila! Function/WAVE StringToBufferWave(str) string str Make/B/FREE/N=(strlen(str)) buf = char2num(str[p]) return buf End Function/S BufferWavetoString(buf) Wave buf string str = "" str = PadString(str, DimSize(buf, 0), 0x0) variable i for(i = 0; i < DimSize(buf, 0); i+= 1) str[i] = num2char(buf[i]) endfor return str End Function Send(str) string str NVAR gBoardID, gDeviceAddress Variable DABend = 0x02 NI4882 Send={gBoardID,gDeviceAddress,StringToBufferWave(str),strlen(str),DABend} printf "V_iberr=%d\r", V_iberr End Function/WAVE Receive() NVAR gBoardID, gDeviceAddress Variable STOPend = 0x100 // Means stop receiving when END is asserted. Make/B/U/FREE bufferWave NI4882 Receive={gBoardID,gDeviceAddress,bufferWave,100000,STOPend} // Read 1000 bytes or until END is asserted. printf "V_iberr=%d\r", V_iberr return bufferWave End Function Initialize() Variable/G gBoardID, gDeviceAddress, gDeviceDesc gBoardID = 0 gDeviceAddress = 3 NI4882 ibfind={"gpib0"} NI4882 ibcac={V_Flag, 1} NI4882 ibdev={gBoardID,gDeviceAddress,0,13,1,0} gDeviceDesc = V_Flag End Function AcquireData() variable ptPeak, voltOffset, sweepTime, tracePoints string str NVAR gBoardID, gDeviceAddress, gDeviceDesc // Send("*RST") Send("FORMat INTeger,16") Send("TRACe:POINts CH1,8192") /// Only the following trace acquisition lengths can be programmed: /// 512, 2024 (2K), 4096 (4K), 8192 (8K), 16384 (16K), or 32768 (32K) Send("TRIGger:SOURce INTernal1") Send("TRIGger:LEVel 0.1") Send("INITiate") Send("*WAI;TRACe? CH1") WAVE bufferWave = Receive() Duplicate/O bufferWave, root:bufferWave WAVE bufferWave ptPeak = QueryNumericalValue("SENSe:VOLTage:RANGe:PTPeak?") voltOffset = QueryNumericalValue("SENSe:VOLTage:RANGe:OFFSet?") sweepTime = QueryNumericalValue("SENSe:SWEep:TIME?") tracePoints = QueryNumericalValue("TRACe:POINts? CH1") printf "ptPeak=%g, voltOffset=%g, sweepTime=%g, tracePoints=%g\r", ptPeak, voltOffset, sweepTime, tracePoints WAVE bufferWaveConv = ConvertFromOsziFormat(bufferWave, ptPeak, voltOffset, sweepTime, tracePoints) Duplicate/O bufferWaveConv, root:result End Function QueryNumericalValue(cmd) string cmd string str Send(cmd) WAVE bufferWave = Receive() str = BufferWavetoString(bufferWave) return str2num(str) End Function ASSERT(var, str) variable var string str try AbortOnValue !var, 0; AbortOnRTE catch printf "Assertion failed: %s\r", str Debugger Abort endtry End Function/WAVE ConvertFromOsziFormat(wv, ptPeak, voltageOffset, sweepTime, tracePoints) WAVE wv variable ptPeak, voltageOffset, sweepTime, tracePoints variable numDigitsSize, checksum, numTraceBytes, intWidth, numRows, i, traceByteOffset numRows = DimSize(wv, 0) ASSERT(numRows > 20, "Malformed data: Wave is too small") ASSERT(wv[0] == char2num("#"), "Malformed data: Expected # as first char") ASSERT(wv[numRows - 1] == char2num("\n"), "Malformed data: Expected \\n as last char") numDigitsSize = str2num(num2char(wv[1])) numTraceBytes = ExtractLength(wv, numDigitsSize) traceByteOffset = numDigitsSize + 3 ASSERT(numRows == traceByteOffset + numTraceBytes, "Malformed data: Unexpected length") intWidth = wv[numDigitsSize + 2] ASSERT(tracePoints == (numTraceBytes - 2) / (intWidth / 8), "Malformed data: Length does not match requested length") printf "numDigitsSize=%g, numTraceBytes=%g, intWidth=%g\r", numDigitsSize, numTraceBytes, intWidth Make/D/FREE/N=(tracePoints) data for(i = traceByteOffset;i < traceByteOffset + numTraceBytes - 2; i += 1) checksum = mod(checksum + wv[i], 256) endfor ASSERT(checksum == mod(wv[numRows - 2] + 256, 256), "Malformed data: Checksum mismatch") switch(intWidth) case 8: MultiThread data = ConvertTraceByteToVoltage8Bit(wv[traceByteOffset + p], ptPeak, voltageOffset) break case 16: MultiThread data[0, tracePoints - 1] = ConvertTraceByteToVoltage16Bit(wv[traceByteOffset + p * 2],wv[traceByteOffset + p * 2 + 1], ptPeak, voltageOffset) break default: ASSERT(0, "Unexpected intWidth") break endswitch SetScale/P x, 0, sweepTime / (tracePoints - 1), "s", data SetScale d, 0, 0, "V", data return data End threadsafe Function ConvertTraceByteToVoltage8Bit(byte, ptPeak, voltageOffset) variable byte, ptPeak, voltageOffset variable value value = byte > 127 ? byte - 256 : byte return (value / 200) * ptPeak - voltageOffset End threadsafe Function ConvertTraceByteToVoltage16Bit(msbByte, lsbByte, ptPeak, voltageOffset) variable msbByte, lsbByte, ptPeak, voltageOffset variable value value = msbByte > 127 ? (msbByte - 256) * 256 + lsbByte : msbByte * 256 + lsbByte return (value / 51200) * ptPeak - voltageOffset End Function ExtractLength(wv, numDigitsSize) WAVE wv variable numDigitsSize variable i, length for(i = 0; i < numDigitsSize; i += 1) length += str2num(num2char(wv[2 + i])) * 10^(numDigitsSize - (1 + i)) endfor return length End



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