
NeuroAcquire allows one to collect physiology and imaging data in a single instance of IGOR. Often, physiology and image acquisition are performed by different third party packages, which can complicate the timing and triggering of data collection. Our hope is that NeuroAcquire simplifies the coordinated acquisition of both types of data by having all controls under one roof. You will need an ITC18 DAQ board and a SIDX-supported CCD camera to use this program. Future versions may support other DAQ boards.


Project Details

Current Project Release

NeuroAcquire IGOR.6.02.x-1.0-dev

Release File: (679.09 KB)
Version: IGOR.6.02.x-1.0-dev
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Extra: dev
Version Patch Level: 0
OS Compatibility: Windows
Release Notes: initial release.
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