Load Double-Quoted Text Data File

#pragma rtGlobals=3 // Use modern global access method and strict wave access. // The LoadDoubleQuotedTextDataFile procedure loads data files in which text is double-quoted, like this: // "<ColumnName>"<comma>"<ColumnName>" // "<string possibly containing comma>"<comma>"<string possibly containing comma>"... // // The file may also contain numeric columns, like this: // "<string possibly containing comma>"<comma><number>... // // LoadWave by itself does not handle this because the comma inside the double-quoted string is taken as a column delimiter. // To load this, LoadDoubleQuotedTextDataFile does the following: // 1. Create a temporary file in which the true comma delimiters (those outside the quotes) are replaced by tabs // and the quotes are removed. // 2. Load the temporary file. // 3. Delete the temporary file. // // This also works on tab-delimited test files containing double-quotes that you don't want to load, e.g.: // "<ColumnName>"<comma>"<ColumnName>" // "<string>"<tab>"<string>"... // These set the initial values in the dialog displayed by LoadDoubleQuotedTextDataFile. // You can customize them for your file if you like. static Constant kDefaultNameLine = 0 static Constant kDefaultFirstDataLine = 0 static Constant kDefaultNumDataLines = 0 static Constant kDefaultFirstColumnToLoad = 0 static Constant kDefaultNumColumnsToLoad = 0 Menu "Load Waves" "Load Double-Quoted Text Data File . . .", LoadDoubleQuotedTextDataFile("", "") End static Function/S CleanupText(origText, cleanedText) String origText // Input String& cleanedText // Output Variable numOrigBytes = strlen(origText) // This speeds things up by avoiding resizing the output string over and over again cleanedText = PadString("", numOrigBytes, 32) Variable numOutputBytes = 0 String doubleQuoteStr = "\"" String commaStr = ",", tabStr = "\t" Variable inDoubleQuote = 0 Variable i for(i=0; i<numOrigBytes; i+=1) Variable skip = 0 String byte = origText[i] if (CmpStr(byte,doubleQuoteStr) == 0) skip = 1 inDoubleQuote = !inDoubleQuote // We are either entering or leaving a double-quoted string else if (CmpStr(byte,commaStr) == 0) if (!inDoubleQuote) // This is a delimiter comma - replace it with tab byte = tabStr endif endif endif if (!skip) cleanedText[numOutputBytes] = byte numOutputBytes += 1 endif endfor cleanedText = cleanedText[0,numOutputBytes-1] return cleanedText End static Function TestCleanupText() String origText = "\"Quick brown, fox\",\"0\"" String cleanedText CleanupText(origText, cleanedText) Print cleanedText End static Function CreateCleanedUpTempFile(pathName, origFileName, tempFileName) String pathName // Symbolic path name String origFileName String tempFileName // Name to use for temporary file Variable origRefNum Open /R /P=$pathName /Z origRefNum as origFileName if (V_flag != 0) Print "Error opening " + origFileName return -1 // Error of some kind endif FStatus origRefNum Variable numBytesInOrigFile = V_logEOF String origText = PadString("", numBytesInOrigFile, 32) FBinRead origRefNum, origText Close origRefNum String cleanedText = CleanupText(origText, cleanedText) Variable tempRefNum Open /P=$pathName /Z tempRefNum as tempFileName if (V_flag != 0) Print "Error opening " + tempFileName return -1 // Error of some kind endif FBinWrite tempRefNum, cleanedText Close tempRefNum return 0 End static StrConstant kExtensionStr = "????" // Shows files with any extension. Change to, e.g., ".dat", to show just .dat files. // LoadDoubleQuotedTextDataFile(pathName, fileName, [nameLine, firstDataLine, numDataLines, firstColumn, numColumns]) // nameLine, firstDataLine, numDataLines, firstColumn and numColumns are optional parameters. // If you omit them, LoadDoubleQuotedTextDataFile displays a dialog in which the user can enter them Function LoadDoubleQuotedTextDataFile(pathName, fileName, [nameLine, firstDataLine, numDataLines, firstColumn, numColumns]) String pathName // Name of an Igor symbolic path or "" String fileName // Name of file or full path to file // Optional parameters Variable nameLine Variable firstDataLine Variable numDataLines Variable firstColumn Variable numColumns if (ParamIsDefault(nameLine) || ParamIsDefault(firstDataLine) || ParamIsDefault(numDataLines) || ParamIsDefault(firstColumn) || ParamIsDefault(numColumns)) // The caller did not supply optional parameters so display dialog // These set the initial values displayed in the dialog nameLine = kDefaultNameLine firstDataLine = kDefaultFirstDataLine numDataLines = kDefaultNumDataLines firstColumn = kDefaultFirstColumnToLoad numColumns = kDefaultNumColumnsToLoad // Display dialog Prompt nameLine, "Line containing column names (zero-based - 0 if no column names): " Prompt firstDataLine, "First line containing data (zero-based): " Prompt numDataLines, "Number of data lines to load (zero for all): " Prompt firstColumn, "First column to load (zero-based): " Prompt numColumns, "Number of columns to load (zero for all): " DoPrompt "Enter LoadWave Parameters", nameLine, firstDataLine, numDataLines, firstColumn, numColumns if (V_Flag) return -1 // User canceled endif endif Variable refNum String message // First get a valid reference to a file. if ((strlen(pathName)==0) || (strlen(fileName)==0)) // Display dialog looking for file. message = "Select double-quoted text data file" Open /D /R /P=$pathName /T=kExtensionStr /M=message refNum as fileName fileName = S_fileName // S_fileName is set by Open/D if (strlen(fileName) == 0) // User cancelled? return -1 endif endif String tempFileName = fileName + "_tmp" if (CreateCleanedUpTempFile(pathName, fileName, tempFileName) != 0) return -1 // Error endif // Remove /D if you want to load as single-precision floating point String delimiters = "\t" LoadWave /O /J /D /K=0 /V={delimiters, "", 0, 0} /L={nameLine, firstDataLine, numDataLines, firstColumn, numColumns} /E=1 /Q /P=$pathName tempFileName if (V_flag > 0) Printf "Loaded double-quoted data from \"%s\"\r", fileName endif DeleteFile /P=$pathName tempFileName return 0 End



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