location conversion: x,y axis values to plot points

function info(GraphName,Vx, Vy) // convert an x,y value in graph axis units string GraphName // to plot region point values variable Vx, Vy GetWindow $GraphName gsize // inside of graph window variable x0=V_left, x1 = V_right, y0 = V_top, y1 = V_bottom GetWindow $GraphName psize // plot region of graph variable x2 = V_left, x3 = V_right, y2 = V_top, y3 = V_bottom GetAxis/Q /W=$GraphName left // left axis range variable VB = v_min, VT = v_max GetAxis/Q /W=$GraphName bottom // bottom axis range variable VL = v_min, VR = v_max variable Vpx = ((Vx-VL)/(VR-VL))*(x3-x2) + (x2-x0) // x (points) right from bottom axis min variable Vpy = ((VT-Vy)/(VT-VB))*(y3-y2) + (y2-y0) // y (points) down from left axis max Make/O/N=2 W_Vpoint = {Vpx, Vpy} // globally accessible result wave end
Caution: tested on Windows 7 only



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