float from reordered bytes

first solution was to write the bytes to a binary file and read them as float (the snippet here does the reverse, but you get my drift)
function float2bytes(var) variable var make /O/B/U/n=4 w_bytes variable refnum open /Z=1/P=home refNum as "ieee.bin" fbinwrite /F=4 refnum, var FSetPos refnum, 0 FBinRead /U/F=1 refnum, w_bytes close refnum end
And a programmatic solution:
// get number value of binary32 stored as 4 bytes in an 8 bit unsigned integer wave function IEEE(w_bytes) wave w_bytes // four bytes // bytes should be ordered low word first, low byte first // i.e. first byte LSB is bit 0 and 4th byte MSB is bit 31 of IEEE 754 single-precision binary floating-point format. make /free/b/u/n=32 w_binary // seems wasteful, but keeps things organised w_binary=(w_bytes[3-floor(p/8)]&2^(7-mod(p,8)))>0 // the 32 points of w_binary now contain contain the 32 bits of an IEEE float, starting from bit 32 (the sign bit) variable v_sign, v_exponent, v_fraction, i v_sign=w_binary[0] // next 8 bits hold the exponent v_exponent=0 for (i=0; i<8; i+=1) v_exponent+=w_binary[8-i]*2^i endfor // last 23 bits hold the fraction v_fraction=1 for (i=0; i<23; i+=1) v_fraction+=w_binary[9+i]*2^-(i+1) endfor if (v_exponent==0) if (v_fraction>1) return (-1)^v_sign*(v_fraction-1)*2^-126 else return (-1)^v_sign*0 endif elseif(v_exponent==0xFF) return nan endif return (-1)^v_sign*v_fraction*2^(v_exponent-127) end



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It's the /E flag that I was missing: "Force reshape without converting or moving data."
November 4, 2016 at 12:32 pm - Permalink