Pseudo "STOP" button control

// This snippet demonstrates an example to stop an executing procedure from a // pseudo-"STOP" button in a control panel // To begin, first execute the Panel0() recreation macro from the command line. function Monitor() variable i=0, vLoop = 1 Do ModifyControl button1 disable = 0 // show the "STOP" button ControlUpdate /W=Panel0 button1 // your loop step goes here; this test is a simple count display and increment ValDisplay valdisp0 value=_NUM:i ControlUpdate /W=Panel0 valdisp0 i+=1 Sleep/S 0.25 // end of your loop step GetMouse /W=Panel0 // test for mouse press in pseudo-"STOP" button area if( (V_flag==1)&(V_left>125)&(V_left<175)&(V_top>110)&(V_top<130) ) VLoop = 0 // condition to quit the Do-While loop ModifyControl button1 disable = 1 // hide the "STOP" button endif While(vLoop) end //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ButtonProcStart(ctrlName) : ButtonControl String ctrlName Monitor() End //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Window Panel0() : Panel PauseUpdate; Silent 1 // building window... NewPanel /W=(708,73,1008,273) ValDisplay valdisp0,pos={95,71},size={100,14},title=" count" ValDisplay valdisp0,limits={0,0,0},barmisc={0,1000},value= _NUM:0 Button button0,pos={125,28},size={50,20},proc=ButtonProcStart,title="START" Button button1,pos={125,110},size={50,20},title="STOP", disable = 1 EndMacro



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