Make Movie from Page Layout

#pragma rtGlobals=3 // Use modern global access method. Menu "Macros" "Make Movie From Top Layout", MakeMovieFromTopLayout(5) End Function ComputeNextFrame(frameNumber) // You will need to customize this function Variable frameNumber Wave jack, joe jack = sin(x/(1+frameNumber)) joe = cos(x/(1+frameNumber)) End Function MakeMovieFromTopLayout(numFrames) // Creates movie named "LayoutMovie.mov" in Igor Pro Folder. Variable numFrames String layoutName = WinName(0, 4) // Name of top layout if (strlen(layoutName) == 0) Abort "There are no layouts" endif String tempDirFullPath = SpecialDirPath("Temporary", 0, 0, 0) NewPath/O/Q TempLayoutMoviePath, tempDirFullPath Variable frameNumber SavePICT/O/P=TempLayoutMoviePath/E=-5 as "TempLayoutPICT" LoadPICT/Q/O/P=TempLayoutMoviePath "TempLayoutPICT", TempLayoutPICT // Sets S_info Variable pictWidth = NumberByKey("PHYSWIDTH", S_info) // Width of picture in points Variable pictHeight = NumberByKey("PHYSHEIGHT", S_info) // Height of picture in points Display/W=(5,42,5+pictWidth,42+pictHeight); DoWindow/C TempMovieGraph SetDrawEnv xcoord= abs,ycoord= abs DrawPICT 0,0,1,1,TempLayoutPICT NewMovie/P=TempLayoutMoviePath/L as "LayoutMovie.mov" for(frameNumber=0; frameNumber<numFrames; frameNumber+=1) ComputeNextFrame(frameNumber) DoWindow/F $layoutName // Activate the layout DoUpdate // Make sure it is up-to-date. SavePICT/O/P=TempLayoutMoviePath/E=-5 as "TempLayoutPICT" LoadPICT/Q/O/P=TempLayoutMoviePath "TempLayoutPICT", TempLayoutPICT DoWindow/F TempMovieGraph // Activate the graph DoUpdate // Make sure it is up-to-date. AddMovieFrame endfor CloseMovie DoWindow/K TempMovieGraph PlayMovie/P=TempLayoutMoviePath as "LayoutMovie.mov" KillPath/Z TempLayoutMoviePath EndMacro



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