Med-PC® File Reader

This function reads the data files generated by behavior programs run with the MED-PC® IV software from
Med Associates. Each data set in a file consists of a header, variables and arrays, that are read into Igor variables and waves.
The data sets are loaded into the data folder MedPC. The header is stored in a global string, the variable values in global variables and the arrays in waves. If more than one data set is found in the file, the variable and wave names are numbered consecutively, starting with 1. The waves and variable names use the following scheme:
MPC_#_$, with # being the consecutive number of different data sets and $ the variable/array letter from the MedPC® program.
Note: Each new file load will erase already existing waves and variables in the MedPC folder, so they need to be sorted and moved into an experiment specific folder structure, before the next file can be loaded.
#pragma rtGlobals=1 // Use modern global access method. #pragma IgorVersion = 5 #pragma version = 2.3 // This function reads a text data file created by MedPC software (Med Associates) into a data folder // called MedPC. Previous loaded data will be erased from this folder. If more than one experiment is // stored in the file, all of them will be read and the necessary data labels consecutively. // MedPC names variables and arrays with a single letter. This reader will store the variables in // global variables, the arrays into waves. // // The "#" in the following description denotes the consecutive number for each experiment in the file. // The experiments are counted according to their appearance in the data file. // // Strings: // MPC_fullFileName: absolute file name (with full path to file) // MPC_fileName: just the file name without the path // MPC_#_header: all the contents above the data section // // Variables: // MPC_#_$: $ is the letter name of the variable in the data file // // Waves: // MPC_#_$: $ is the letter name of the array stored in the wave, // all array data is stored in the wave. // *************************************************** // ********** C O N S T A N T N A M E S // *************************************************** Strconstant ksMPC_dataFolderName = "MedPC" Strconstant W_LINEEND = "\r" // windows line end Strconstant U_LINEEND = "\n" // unix line end // Create a menu item for the file reader Menu "Macros" "Open MedPC file...", MedPCFileReader("", "") End // Actual file reader Function MedPCFileReader(path, fileName) String path, fileName String mpcDF = ksMPC_dataFolderName // name of the new data folder to store the loaded data String cDF = GetDataFolder(1) // remember which data folder you are in if (DataFolderExists(mpcDF)) SetDataFolder mpcDF // the data folder already exists, so switch to it KillStrings /A/Z // delete the previous variables and waves to have a clean load. KillVariables /A/Z KillWaves /A/Z else NewDataFolder /S $mpcDF // create a new data folder and switch to it. endif SVAR MPC_fullFileName SVAR MPC_fileName if (!SVAR_Exists(MPC_fullFileName)) String /G MPC_fullFileName = "" endif if (!SVAR_Exists(MPC_fileName)) String /G MPC_fileName = "" endif Variable refNum, counter = 0 String dataPath PathInfo /S $path // use a dialog for the user to choose a file to open and create a reference number if (strlen(fileName) == 0) if (!V_flag) Open /D /R /M="Choose a file" /T="????" refNum else Open /D /R /M="Choose a file" /T="????" /P=$path refNum endif if (strlen(S_fileName) == 0) // file doesn't exist, so nothing more to do; stop here SetDataFolder cDF return 0 endif MPC_fullFileName = S_fileName // remember the full file name // now extract just the file name without the path MPC_fileName = StringFromList(ItemsInList(MPC_fullFileName, ":") - 1, MPC_fullFileName, ":") // now extract just the path to the file, without the filename dataPath = RemoveListItem(ItemsInList(MPC_fullFileName, ":") - 1, MPC_fullFileName, ":") // create a new path so consecutive file loads all point to the last loaded file NewPath /O/Q mpc_lastDataPath, dataPath // now open the file with the above created reference number Open /R refNum as MPC_fullFileName else if (!V_flag) print "** path " + path + " does not exist. STOPPED!" return 0 endif Open /R /P=$path refNum as fileName MPC_fullFileName = S_fileName MPC_fileName = StringFromList(ItemsInList(MPC_fullFileName, ":") - 1, MPC_fullFileName, ":") endif if (refNum == 0) // something went wrong and the file can not be opened; stop here and print error message print "** ERROR: Can not open file." MPC_fileName = "wrong file" return 0 endif Variable headerFlag = 1 // true (1) if currently in header section, false (0) when in data section Variable experimentNum = 0 // experiment number, when more than 1 in the file. Variable hasComment = 0 String varName = "" String theHeaderContent = "" String theLine = "" String theWaveList = "" String theComment = "" String theNote = "" do // process the file reading line by line FReadLine refNum, theLine if (strlen(theLine) == 0) // reached EOF (end of file) so stop loop break endif if ((cmpstr(theLine, W_LINEEND) == 0) || cmpstr(theLine, U_LINEEND) == 0) // three empty lines separate different experiments headerFlag = 1 hasComment = 0 theComment = "" theWaveList = "" counter += 1 continue endif if (headerFlag) // analyse header if (strsearch(theLine, "Start Date: ", 0) == 0) // each header starts with the Start Date, so increase the experiment number experimentNum += 1 endif if (counter > 0 && strlen(theLine) > 2) theLine = ReplaceString(": ", theLine[0, strlen(theLine) - 2], "=") theHeaderContent += theLine + "\n" endif if (strsearch(theLine, "MSN=", 0) == 0) // MSN is the last line of the header, so finish it up. theHeaderContent= "file=" + MPC_fileName + "\n" + theHeaderContent headerFlag = 0 varName = "MPC_" + num2str(experimentNum) + "_header" SVAR theHeader = $varName if (!SVAR_Exists(theHeader)) String /G $varName = theHeaderContent else theHeader = theHeaderContent endif theHeaderContent = "" endif else // data section theLine = theLine[0, strlen(theLine) - 2] SVAR theHeader = $("MPC_" + num2str(experimentNum) + "_header") if (cmpstr(theLine[0,0], "\\") == 0) if (!SVAR_Exists(theHeader)) String /G $("MPC_" + num2str(experimentNum) + "_header") SVAR theHeader = $("MPC_" + num2str(experimentNum) + "_header") endif theComment += theLine[1, strlen(theLine) - 1] + ", " hasComment = 1 endif Variable listItems = ItemsInList(theLine, ":") if (listItems == 1 && strlen(StringFromList(0, theLine, ":")) == 1) // only single letter array variables should match this condition varName = "MPC_" + num2str(experimentNum) + "_" + theLine[0,0] Make /N=0 /O $varName Wave curArray = $varName theWaveList = AddListItem(varName, theWaveList) if (SVAR_Exists(theHeader)) Note /K curArray, theHeader endif endif if (listItems == 2 && numtype(str2num(StringFromList(0, theLine, ":"))) == 0) // first separate the row number from the data Variable firstIndex = str2num(StringFromList(0, theLine, ":")) // now figure out how many data columns we have String theColumns = StringFromList(1, theLine, ":") // replace every space with a ; then just move the non-empty list items into a new list theColumns = ReplaceString(" ", theColumns, ";") Variable index = 0 String dataPoints = "" for (index = 0; index < ItemsInList(theColumns); index += 1) String theData = StringFromList(index, theColumns) if (cmpstr(theData, "") != 0) dataPoints = AddListItem(theData, dataPoints, ";", ItemsInList(dataPoints)) endif endfor Variable numColumns = ItemsInList(dataPoints) for (index = 0; index < ItemsInList(dataPoints); index += 1) curArray[numpnts(curArray)] = {str2num(StringFromList(index, dataPoints))} endfor endif if (listItems == 2 && numtype(str2num(StringFromList(0, theLine, ":"))) == 2) // is a variable, just stick it into a global varName = "MPC_" + num2str(experimentNum) + "_" + StringFromList(0, theLine, ":") NVAR theVar = $varName if (!NVAR_Exists(theVar)) Variable /G $varName = str2num(StringFromList(1, theLine, ":")) else theVar = str2num(StringFromList(1, theLine, ":")) endif endif endif counter += 1 Variable comments = 0 if (hasComment) // in case we use keywords and the Igor default list separator ";", remove any spaces between them theComment = ReplaceString(" ; ", theComment, ";") theComment = ReplaceString("; ", theComment, ";") theComment = ReplaceString(" ;", theComment, ";") theComment = ReplaceString(": ", theComment, ":") theHeader += "comment=" + theComment + "\n" for (comments = 0; comments < ItemsInList(theWaveList); comments += 1) String theWaveName = StringFromList(comments, theWaveList) Note /K $theWaveName, theHeader endfor endif while(1) Close refNum SetDataFolder cDF End



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