XML Note Tools

This package provides a set of commands that allow one to output text in XML format to the history, a text string, a wave note, or a notebook. It also provides a panel that allows easy XML formatting into a notebook.
Prints text enclosed in XML tags to the history window
Returns text enclosed in XML tags (for string storage)
XMLWaveNote(wave, propertylist,text,[attributes,values,pretty,replace,at])
Puts text enclosed in XML tags as a wave note to wave
XMLNoteText(ntbk, propertylist,text,[attributes,values,pretty,replace,at])
Prints text enclosed in XML tags as a note in notebook ntbk
XMLNoteObject(ntbk, propertylist,object,[attributes,values,pretty,replace,at])
Puts object in XML tags as a note in notebook ntbk
Loads into a string template the contents of filename (an XML file). The template contains # in places to be filled.
Returns a string that is the filled template, where every instance of @ is substituted by a given parameter in paramlist. Executable % codes are accepted as parameters.
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XML Note Tools Panel available under Misc:Panels: menu selectionXMLPrint(propertylist,text,[attributes,values,pretty])
Prints text enclosed in XML tags to the history window
Returns text enclosed in XML tags (for string storage)
XMLWaveNote(wave, propertylist,text,[attributes,values,pretty,replace,at])
Puts text enclosed in XML tags as a wave note to wave
XMLNoteText(ntbk, propertylist,text,[attributes,values,pretty,replace,at])
Prints text enclosed in XML tags as a note in notebook ntbk
XMLNoteObject(ntbk, propertylist,object,[attributes,values,pretty,replace,at])
Puts object in XML tags as a note in notebook ntbk
Loads into a string template the contents of filename (an XML file). The template contains # in places to be filled.
Returns a string that is the filled template, where every instance of @ is substituted by a given parameter in paramlist. Executable % codes are accepted as parameters.
Distribution Details
- Experiments: none
- Procedure Files: XMLNoteTools, XMLNoteToolsModule, XMLNoteToolsPanel
- XOPS: none
- Demos: none
- Requires Packages: none
- Benefits from Optional Packages: ScreenSizer Easy New Notebook
- Help Files: XMLNoteToolsHelp
- Other Documentation: the Web pages for this project
See the help file for formats of the commands. Also see the release notes for each version for examples as improvements were made.Installation Notes
To install the release version of this package, first download and unzip the ZIP archive. Then, follow one of three paths:- Move the XMLNoteTools folder into the User Procedures folder of Igor Pro. Include the command
#include "XMLNoteTools"
#include "XMLNoteToolsPanel"
in your package or insert it in the command window. The former installs only the command functions, and the latter installs the control panel.
- Follow the method above. Create a shortcut/alias to the file XMLNoteTools.ipf or a shortcut to XMLNoteToolsPanel.ipf. Move the shortcut/alias into the Igor Procedures folder of Igor Pro. The functions or panel will then always be accessible to all experiments.
- Move the XMLNoteTools folder into the Igor Procedures folder of Igor Pro. The module will then always be accessible to all experiments. (This method is the least preferred one!)
Project Details
Project CVS: | http://svn.igorexchange.com/viewvcpackages/XMLNoteTools/ |
Current Project Release
XMLNoteTools IGOR.6.03.x-1.x-dev
Release File: | XMLNoteTools-IGOR.6.03.x-1.x-dev.zip (182.33 KB) |
Version: | IGOR.6.03.x-1.x-dev |
Version Date: | |
Version Major: | 1 |
Version Extra: | dev |
OS Compatibility: | Mac-Intel Windows |
Release Notes: |
OverviewThis is the development branch for version 1.x of the package. |



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