Arrange Left Axes

// ArrangeLeftAxes(graphName) // graphName contains the name of a graph to which you have appended waves using one or more free left axes. // ArrangeLeftAxes arranges the left axes to allocate the available vertical space evenly. // For a demo execute the Demo function below. static Function ArrangeLeftAxes(graphName) String graphName // "" for top graph if (strlen(graphName) == 0) graphName = WinName(0, 1) if (strlen(graphName) == 0) return -1 // No graphs - should not happen endif endif String leftAxisList = AxisList(graphName) leftAxisList = ReplaceString("bottom;", leftAxisList, "") Variable numLeftAxes = ItemsInList(leftAxisList) if (numLeftAxes == 0) return 0 // There are no waves selected for display endif if (CmpStr(leftAxisList, "left;") == 0) return 0 // We are not stacking traces so there is nothing to do endif Variable groutSize = .05 Variable numGrouts = numLeftAxes - 1 // Determine the percentage of plot area height to allocate to each left axis Variable leftAxisLength = 1.00 if (numLeftAxes > 1) leftAxisLength = (1.00 - numGrouts*groutSize) / numLeftAxes endif Variable leftAxisStart = 0 Variable i for(i=0; i<numLeftAxes; i+=1) String leftAxisName = StringFromList(i, leftAxisList) ModifyGraph /W=$graphName axisEnab($leftAxisName)={leftAxisStart,leftAxisStart+leftAxisLength} ModifyGraph /W=$graphName freePos($leftAxisName)=0 leftAxisStart += leftAxisLength + groutSize ModifyGraph /W=$graphName lblPosMode($leftAxisName)=2, lblMargin($leftAxisName)=5 // Label stays near left edge of graph window endfor End Function Demo() DoWindow /K DemoGraph // Kill graph if it already exists Make /O wave0 = sin(x/8) Make /O wave1 = cos(x/8) Make /O wave2 = wave0 * wave1 Display /N=DemoGraph /W=(35,44,832,530) /L=left0 wave0 AppendToGraph /L=left1 wave1 AppendToGraph /L=left2 wave2 ArrangeLeftAxes("DemoGraph") End



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