Screen Sizer

This module will generate a set of globals containing the current screen size in pixels and points. It also contains functions to move, shift, or size any type of window or set of window types/kinds using percentage of screen/frame values.
Initialize(winXX, [force])
Initializes the package (by force as needed).
Defines or resets the frame as percentages of the current screen size.
Move...Window[s](left%,top%,right%,bottom%,[name, type, kind, exlude])
Moves the window(s) to the given position as percentages.
Size...Window[s](width%,height%,[name, type, kind, exclude])
Sizes the window(s) to the given values as percentages.
Size...Window[s]AR(AR,[name, type, kind, exclude, width%, height%, minormax])
Sizes the window(s) to the given Aspect Ratio.
Shift...Window[s](left%,top%, [name, type, kind, dlr, dtb, exclude])
Shifts the window(s) to the given values as percentages.
Make a new or external (attached sub-window type) panel as specified.
Save or Restore the coordinates of the named or all window (default is frontmost).
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The list of functions are too long for one page. They are collapsed here for general information. Specific functions listed here may take different parameters than apparent-optional or function specific values go in place of ... or []. Almost all Window functions work on the frontmost, a specific, or a list of windows. They can generally be applied to command, graphs, panels, tables, or procedures, sometimes with type or kind casting and/or exclusion lists. See the help file for details.Initialize(winXX, [force])
Initializes the package (by force as needed).
Defines or resets the frame as percentages of the current screen size.
Move...Window[s](left%,top%,right%,bottom%,[name, type, kind, exlude])
Moves the window(s) to the given position as percentages.
Size...Window[s](width%,height%,[name, type, kind, exclude])
Sizes the window(s) to the given values as percentages.
Size...Window[s]AR(AR,[name, type, kind, exclude, width%, height%, minormax])
Sizes the window(s) to the given Aspect Ratio.
Shift...Window[s](left%,top%, [name, type, kind, dlr, dtb, exclude])
Shifts the window(s) to the given values as percentages.
Make a new or external (attached sub-window type) panel as specified.
Save or Restore the coordinates of the named or all window (default is frontmost).
Distribution Details
- Experiments: none
- Procedure Files: ScreenSizer
- XOPS: none
- Demos: none
- Requires Packages: NONE*
- Benefits from Package: PackageTools
- Help Files: ScreenSizerHelp
- Documentation: the Web pages for this project
User Notes
Open the help file for further details. Alternatively, after the package is installed, type DisplayHelpTopic "ScreenSizer" on the command line of any Igor experiment. As of version 2.4, the PackageTools package is REQUIRED to remove this package from an experiment.Project Details
Project CVS: | http://svn.igorexchange.com/viewvc/packages/ScreenSizer/ |
Current Project Release
ScreenSizer IGOR.6.20.x-2.5
Release File: | ScreenSizer-IGOR.6.20.x-2.5.zip (28.9 KB) |
Version: | IGOR.6.20.x-2.5 |
Version Date: | |
Version Major: | 2 |
Version Patch Level: | 5 |
OS Compatibility: | Mac-Intel Windows |
Release Notes: |
OverviewBug fixes. |



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