XMLutils - XOP to facilitate working with XML files

An external XOP designed to facilitate working with XML files. Based on the libxml2 library by Daniel Veillard, released through the MIT licence for libxml2
Win32 and Mac Universal binaries are available
XMLopenfile - open an XML file
XMLsavefile - save a modified XML file
XMLclosefile - close (and save?) an XML file
XMLelemlist - List all ELEMENT_NODES in XML document
XMLdocDump - Dump the entire XML file to IGOR history
XMLlistXPath - get the nodes that match a specific XPath
XMLstrfmXPath - get content from nodeset selected by an XPath and return it as a string
XMLwavefmXPath - tokenize (space) content from an XPath nodeset and place in a textwave
XMLsetNodeStr - change the content of the nodeset selected by an XPath
XMLlistAttr - list the attributes and values for the nodeset selected by an XPath
XMLsetAttr - set the attributes for the nodeset selected by an XPath
XMLcreateFile - create a new XML file
XMLaddNode - add a new node to an XML file
XMLdelNode - delete a node from an XML file
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Win32 and Mac Universal binaries are available
XMLopenfile - open an XML file
XMLsavefile - save a modified XML file
XMLclosefile - close (and save?) an XML file
XMLelemlist - List all ELEMENT_NODES in XML document
XMLdocDump - Dump the entire XML file to IGOR history
XMLlistXPath - get the nodes that match a specific XPath
XMLstrfmXPath - get content from nodeset selected by an XPath and return it as a string
XMLwavefmXPath - tokenize (space) content from an XPath nodeset and place in a textwave
XMLsetNodeStr - change the content of the nodeset selected by an XPath
XMLlistAttr - list the attributes and values for the nodeset selected by an XPath
XMLsetAttr - set the attributes for the nodeset selected by an XPath
XMLcreateFile - create a new XML file
XMLaddNode - add a new node to an XML file
XMLdelNode - delete a node from an XML file
Project Details
Project License: | http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html |
Project CVS: | http://svn.igorexchange.com/viewvc/packages/XMLutils/ |
Current Project Release
XMLutils - XOP to facilitate working with XML files IGOR.8.00.x-1.0-0
Release File: | XMLutils_2.zip (1.79 MB) |
Version: | IGOR.8.00.x-1.0-0 |
Version Date: | |
Version Major: | 1 |
Version Patch Level: | 0 |
OS Compatibility: | Mac-Intel Windows |
Release Notes: | XMLutils for IP8 |



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