Getting the Average Value of Each Wave in a List of Waves
#pragma rtGlobals=1 // Use modern global access method.
// Demonstration of getting the average values of a set of waves on a per-wave basis.
// For a demo, execute:
// DemoWaveAverages()
// The actual averaging is done in GetWaveAverages. This is the only function
// you will need once you have come up with a wave containing a list of wave
// references for the waves whose average values you want.
// The GetWaveAveragesFromTable function illustrates how to get such a
// list wave from a table.
// GetWaveAverages(listWave, outputName)
// listWave contains a list of input waves.
// outputName is the desired name for the output wave.
// Returns a wave containing the average values of each waves.
Function/WAVE GetWaveAverages(listWave, outputName)
Wave /WAVE listWave // Contains list of numeric waves to be averaged
String outputName // Desired name for output wave
// Make the output wave
Variable numWaves = numpnts(listWave)
Make /O /D /N=(numWaves) $outputName
Wave output = $outputName
// Fill it with the averages
Variable i = 0
for(i=0; i<numWaves; i+=1)
Wave input = listWave[i]
output[i] = mean(input)
return output // Return output wave to caller
// GetWaveAveragesFromTable(tableName, outputName)
// tableName is the name of an existing table.
// outputName is the desired name for the output wave.
// Returns a wave containing the average values of each 1D, real, numeric wave in the table.
Function/WAVE GetWaveAveragesFromTable(tableName, outputName)
String tableName
String outputName // Desired name for output wave
if (WinType(tableName) != 2)
Abort "Expected table name"
String info = TableInfo(tableName, -2)
Variable numColumns = NumberByKey("COLUMNS",info) // Number of columns in table
numColumns -= 1 // Ignore the Point column
// This is guaranteed to be big enough
Make /FREE /WAVE /N=(numColumns) listWave
// Get list of 1D real numeric waves in table
Variable numWaves = 0
Variable index = 0
Wave/Z w = WaveRefIndexed(tableName, index, 1) // Data columns only
if (!WaveExists(w))
break // No more waves
index += 1
if (WaveDims(w) > 1) // Ignore multi-dimensional waves
if (WaveType(w) & 1) // Ignore complex waves
if (WaveType(w,1) != 1) // Ignore text waves, wave waves and DFREF waves
listWave[numWaves] = w // Add to list of waves whose averages we want
numWaves += 1
// Get wave containing averages
Wave averageWave = GetWaveAverages(listWave, outputName)
// Since listWave is a free wave and there are no more references to it,
// Igor will kill it automatically when the function ends.
return averageWave
Function DemoWaveAverages()
// Create sample data and table
DoWindow /F DemoTable
if (V_flag == 0)
Edit /W=(5,44,809,254) /N=DemoTable
Variable i
for(i=0; i<5; i+=1)
String name = "wave" + num2istr(i)
Make/O/N=3 $name = i + p
AppendToTable $name
// We don't want to average the output wave
RemoveFromTable averages
// Get a list of waves whose averages we want
Make /O /FREE /WAVE listWave = {wave0,wave1,wave2,wave3,wave4}
// Get wave containing averages
Wave averageWave = GetWaveAveragesFromTable("DemoTable", "averages")
AppendToTable /W=DemoTable averageWave
Print averageWave
// Since listWave is a free wave and there are no more references to it,
// Igor will kill it automatically when the function ends.
// Demonstration of getting the average values of a set of waves on a per-wave basis.
// For a demo, execute:
// DemoWaveAverages()
// The actual averaging is done in GetWaveAverages. This is the only function
// you will need once you have come up with a wave containing a list of wave
// references for the waves whose average values you want.
// The GetWaveAveragesFromTable function illustrates how to get such a
// list wave from a table.
// GetWaveAverages(listWave, outputName)
// listWave contains a list of input waves.
// outputName is the desired name for the output wave.
// Returns a wave containing the average values of each waves.
Function/WAVE GetWaveAverages(listWave, outputName)
Wave /WAVE listWave // Contains list of numeric waves to be averaged
String outputName // Desired name for output wave
// Make the output wave
Variable numWaves = numpnts(listWave)
Make /O /D /N=(numWaves) $outputName
Wave output = $outputName
// Fill it with the averages
Variable i = 0
for(i=0; i<numWaves; i+=1)
Wave input = listWave[i]
output[i] = mean(input)
return output // Return output wave to caller
// GetWaveAveragesFromTable(tableName, outputName)
// tableName is the name of an existing table.
// outputName is the desired name for the output wave.
// Returns a wave containing the average values of each 1D, real, numeric wave in the table.
Function/WAVE GetWaveAveragesFromTable(tableName, outputName)
String tableName
String outputName // Desired name for output wave
if (WinType(tableName) != 2)
Abort "Expected table name"
String info = TableInfo(tableName, -2)
Variable numColumns = NumberByKey("COLUMNS",info) // Number of columns in table
numColumns -= 1 // Ignore the Point column
// This is guaranteed to be big enough
Make /FREE /WAVE /N=(numColumns) listWave
// Get list of 1D real numeric waves in table
Variable numWaves = 0
Variable index = 0
Wave/Z w = WaveRefIndexed(tableName, index, 1) // Data columns only
if (!WaveExists(w))
break // No more waves
index += 1
if (WaveDims(w) > 1) // Ignore multi-dimensional waves
if (WaveType(w) & 1) // Ignore complex waves
if (WaveType(w,1) != 1) // Ignore text waves, wave waves and DFREF waves
listWave[numWaves] = w // Add to list of waves whose averages we want
numWaves += 1
// Get wave containing averages
Wave averageWave = GetWaveAverages(listWave, outputName)
// Since listWave is a free wave and there are no more references to it,
// Igor will kill it automatically when the function ends.
return averageWave
Function DemoWaveAverages()
// Create sample data and table
DoWindow /F DemoTable
if (V_flag == 0)
Edit /W=(5,44,809,254) /N=DemoTable
Variable i
for(i=0; i<5; i+=1)
String name = "wave" + num2istr(i)
Make/O/N=3 $name = i + p
AppendToTable $name
// We don't want to average the output wave
RemoveFromTable averages
// Get a list of waves whose averages we want
Make /O /FREE /WAVE listWave = {wave0,wave1,wave2,wave3,wave4}
// Get wave containing averages
Wave averageWave = GetWaveAveragesFromTable("DemoTable", "averages")
AppendToTable /W=DemoTable averageWave
Print averageWave
// Since listWave is a free wave and there are no more references to it,
// Igor will kill it automatically when the function ends.
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