Color traces on graph

Menu "Macros" "Color waves.../1", ColorWaves() //Ctrl+1 End Macro ColorWaves() Variable rev = 1 String colorTable = "RainbowCycle" ColorTraces(rev, colorTable) End Function ColorTraces( rev, colorTable ) //% V1.5 Variable rev String colorTable String list = TraceNameList( "", ";", 1 ) Variable numItems = ItemsInList( list ) if ( numItems == 0 ) return 0 endif ColorTab2Wave $colorTable Wave M_colors Variable index, traceindex for( index = 0; index < numItems; index += 1 ) Variable row = ( index/numItems )*DimSize( M_Colors, 0 ) traceindex = ( rev == 0 ? index : numItems - index ) Variable red = M_Colors[ row ][ 0 ], green = M_Colors[ row ][ 1 ], blue = M_Colors[ row ][ 2 ] ModifyGraph/Z rgb[ traceindex ] = ( red, green, blue ) endfor KillWaves/Z M_colors End



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I didn't propose a popup for the rev, because it'd change the values from 0 and 1 to 1 and 2.
--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
May 7, 2012 at 05:25 pm - Permalink
January 30, 2016 at 07:34 am - Permalink
I may be mistaken but I think the row variable also has an off-by-one index error - not a big deal on a large colortable and many traces, but I think the line below would allow you to have traces filling out the full spectrum of the color table:
May 17, 2016 at 06:51 am - Permalink