Bulk kill and duplicate

Function bduplicate(prefix, filter) //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ //--------------------------------- // filter waves with wildcards to duplicate particular waves // additonal options for filter: // set "all" to duplicate every wave in current data folder // set "onGraph" to duplicate the traces on a graph // no string set for filter defaults to the "onGraph" setting. // V2.0 String prefix, filter // prefix to append and filter or wildcard string String wName, newName String list if(strlen(filter)==0) list = TraceNameList("",";",1) printf ": duplicating waves from graph\r" elseif(cmpstr(filter, "onGraph")==0) list = TraceNameList("",";",1) printf ": duplicating waves from graph\r" elseif(cmpstr(filter, "all")==0) list = WaveList("*",";","") printf ": duplicating all waves in current folder\r" else list = WaveList(filter,";","") printf ": duplicating waves filtered by the wildcard " + filter + "\r" endif if (strlen(prefix)==0) prefix = "corr_" endif Variable numItems = ItemsInList(list) if (numItems == 0) return 0 endif Variable index for (index=0;index<numItems; index+=1) wName = StringFromList(index,list) sprintf newName, "%s%s", prefix, wName Duplicate/O $wName $newName endfor End Function bkill(filter) //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ //--------------------------------- // filter waves with wildcards to kill particular waves String filter String list = WaveList(filter,";","") printf ": killing waves filtered by the wildcard " + filter + "\r" Variable numList = ItemsInList(list) if (numList == 0) return 0 endif Variable index for (index=0;index<numList;index+=1) KillWaves/Z $(StringFromList(index, list)) endfor End



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