
ColorScaleSliders includes a single procedure file that lets you adjust the color scaling of false-color image plots using sliders. By combining smooth adjustments with immediate feedback, this helps you optimize the appearance of false-color plots, and allows you to find fine details.

ColorScaleSliders also includes a similar slider-driven approach to combining up to three different images into a single RGB image. A potential use could be the visualization of multicolor fluorescence data.

To use this procedure simply load the included .ipf file, open an image plot, and select "Append Colorscale Sliders" from the macros menu.


Project Details

Current Project Release

ColorScaleSliders IGOR.6.10.x-1.0-0

Release File: ColorScaleSliders_1.ipf (22.79 KB)
Version: IGOR.6.10.x-1.0-0
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Patch Level: 0
OS Compatibility: Mac-Intel Windows
Release Notes: rgb merge updated
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