Auto save for experiment files

// autosave V1 // author: Junis Rindermann // these functions are used for the auto save functionality // // description: put this code in a separate procedure file into the "Igor Procedures folder". It will then generate a Menu item under "Misc" where an autosave feature can be enabled. If enabled, the autosave background task saves a copy of the current experiment "frequencyDrift.pxp" under "_autosave_frequencyDrift.pxp" in the same folder, and subsequently overwrite this copy every 10 minutes. The background task can be disabled from the same menu. The user receives a warning if he disabled autosave, or deletes the root:Package:autosave datafolder. Autosave resumes when an experiment is opened where autosave was enabled the last time it was open. It is ON PURPOSE that the background task DOES NOT save the open experiment. In this way the user keeps the responsibility about his data. // // notes: // the autosave interval is set to 10 min by default. by changing the global variable root:Packages:Autosave:saveintervalmin to another value (in minutes) this can be changed at any time #pragma IndependentModule=Autosave Function UpdateAutosaveMenu() NVAR AutoSaveON=root:Packages:AutoSave:AutoSaveON // SVAR menustr = root:Packages:AutoSave:AutosaveMenu if (AutoSaveON==1) String/G root:Packages:AutoSave:AutosaveMenu = "Turn auto save OFF" else String/G root:Packages:AutoSave:AutosaveMenu = "Turn auto save ON" endif BuildMenu "Misc" End Function ToggleAutoSave() if (datafolderexists("root:Packages:AutoSave:")) // it is set up NVAR AutoSaveON = root:Packages:AutoSave:Autosaveon NVAR saveIntervalMin = root:Packages:AutoSave:saveIntervalMin variable numTicks if (Autosaveon == 1) // we switch it OFF CtrlNamedBackground AutosaveBgrTsk, stop Autosaveon = 0 print "Auto save was turned OFF." AutoSaveWarning() else // we switch if ON numTicks = 60 * 60 * saveintervalmin // every 10 minutes CtrlNamedBackground AutosaveBgrTsk, period = numticks, proc = SaveBackUpNow CtrlNamedBackground AutosaveBgrTsk, start Autosaveon = 1 print "Auto save was turned ON. A copy of your experiment file is saved every 10 min under the name "+"_autosave_"+IgorInfo(1)+".pxp" endif else // it is not set up yet, we will set it up now if (datafolderexists("root:Packages")) NewDatafolder/O root:Packages:AutoSave else NewDatafolder/O root:Packages NewDatafolder/O root:Packages:AutoSave endif Variable/G root:Packages:AutoSave:AutoSaveON=1 Variable/G root:Packages:AutoSave:saveIntervalMin = 10 NVAR saveintervalmin = root:Packages:AutoSave:saveIntervalMin UpdateAutosaveMenu() //saveexperiment numTicks = 60 * 60 * saveintervalmin // every saveintervalmin minutes CtrlNamedBackground AutosaveBgrTsk, period = numticks, proc = SaveBackUpNow CtrlNamedBackground AutosaveBgrTsk, start // String print "Auto save was turned ON. A copy of your experiment file is saved every 10 min under the name "+"_autosave_"+IgorInfo(1)+".pxp" AutosaveON=1 Endif UpdateAutosaveMenu() BuildMenu "Misc" End Menu "Misc" StrVarOrDefault("root:Packages:AutoSave:AutoSaveMenu","Initialize and start autosave"), /Q, ToggleAutoSave() End Function SaveBackUpNow(s) STRUCT WMBackgroundStruct &s // Printf "Task %s called, ticks=%d\r", s.name, s.curRunTicks if (exists("root:Packages:AutoSave:AutoSaveOn") == 2) // do nothing NVAR autosaveon = root:Packages:AutoSave:AutoSaveOn // if desired the date of the saved version can be added to the file name. this greatly increases the space wasted by the autosaved file copies. // use this only with great care!! and find a way to remove the oldest autosaved file copies. //string datestr = time()+" "+date() //datestr=replacestring(":", datestr, "-") //datestr=replacestring(",", datestr, "-") //datestr=replacestring(".", datestr, "-") String filename = "_autosave_"+IgorInfo(1)+".pxp" if (HomePathdefined() == 0) DoAlert/T="Igor asks you..." 0, "This experiment was NOT saved yet. It needs to be saved for AUTO SAVE to work." Endif SaveExperiment/C/P=home as filename if (HomePathdefined() == 0) // clicked cancel autosaveon = 0 UpdateAutosaveMenu() BuildMenu "Misc" CtrlNamedBackground AutosaveBgrTsk, stop print "This experiment was NOT saved yet. AUTO SAVE cannot work." DoAlert/T="Detected Cancel:" 0, "The experiment was NOT saved. AUTO SAVE is OFF." return 0 else PathInfo home print "A copy of the experiment file was automatically saved as "+S_path+filename+" on "+time()+" "+date() endif // else // do nothing, wait until auto save is turned ON // endif else // stops itself if package folders have been deleted AutoSaveWarning() endif return 0 // Continue background task End Function HomePathdefined() variable HomePathDefined=0 PathInfo home if (stringmatch(S_path, "")) // home path not defined HomePathDefined=0 else HomePathDefined=1 endif return HomePathDefined End Function AutoSaveWarning() DoAlert/T="Igor asks you..." 1, "It seems you want to turn OFF autosave. Do you want to CONTINUE AUTO SAVE??" if (v_flag == 1) // YES ToggleAutoSave() else // NO CtrlNamedBackground AutosaveBgrTsk, stop endif End //#pragma rtGlobals=1 // Use modern global access method. //#pragma moduleName=startup // traditional for static functions // Static Function AfterFileOpenHook(refNum, fileNameStr, pathNameStr, fileTypeStr, fileCreatorStr, fileKind ) variable refnum string filenamestr,pathnamestr,filetypestr, filecreatorstr variable filekind if (filekind == 1 || filekind == 2) if (exists("root:Packages:AutoSave:AutoSaveOn") == 2) NVAR AutoSaveON = root:Packages:AutoSave:Autosaveon NVAR saveIntervalMin = root:Packages:AutoSave:saveIntervalMin variable numTicks if (Autosaveon == 1) // we resume auto save numTicks = 60 * 60 * saveintervalmin // every 10 minutes CtrlNamedBackground AutosaveBgrTsk, period = numticks, proc = SaveBackUpNow CtrlNamedBackground AutosaveBgrTsk, start Print "Opened file "+igorinfo(1)+".pxp"+" with active auto save. Auto save is resumed."// Do Stuff endif else //print "Auto save is OFF." endif endif End



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