Igor Spaces

Igor Spaces organises windows (Graphs, Tables, Layouts, Notebooks or Panels) in separate Spaces. When a Space is selected in the panel, only windows linked to it are shown.
How it works:
1. Launch Igor Spaces from "Windows/Packages" submenu.
2. Press the "New" button to create a new Space, name should be unique, otherwise you will be
prompted to change your input. When a new "Space" is created it becomes your active working Space.
New Spaces are created below the active row selection, and at the moment you cannot change their order.
3.Press "Delete" to delete the selected space. Windows associated with the space are released and not
linked to any space ("" tag)
4. Press "All" to show/hide all windows whether linked to a Space or not.
5. When the Igor Spaces Panel is open any window you create is associated with the active Space.
6. Double click on a row to rename the Space
7. Press Shift + Click on a row of the ListBox to move the top window to the selected space
8. Press Alt + Click anywhere in the ListBox of the panel (rows or empty space below) to pin the top
window to all spaces (visible everywhere)
9. To unpin press Shift + Alt + Click anywhere in the ListBox to unpin the window (becomes free floating).
You can also make a normal window free-floating using the same procedure. Alternatively, if you want to
unpin and link it to a space goto 7.
10. Use Ctlr + click to mark/unmark a space with an asterisk and link it to the selected data folder in the data browser.
When selecting a Space with an asterisk the current data folder changes to the linked data folder.
Igor Space was developed and tested on Igor Pro 9.
Hope it will be useful to some of you.
#pragma TextEncoding = "UTF-8" #pragma rtGlobals=3 // Use modern global access method and strict wave access #pragma DefaultTab={3,20,4} // Set default tab width in Igor Pro 9 and later #pragma IgorVersion = 9 #pragma ModuleName = ATH_Spaces #pragma version = 1.2 // ------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (c) 2022 Evangelos Golias. // Contact: evangelos.golias@gmail.com // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person // obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation // files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without // restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, // copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following // conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT // HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, // WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR // OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // ------------------------------------------------------- // // ------------------------------------------------------- // // Igor Spaces organises windows (Graphs, Tables, Layouts, Notebooks or Panels) in separate // Spaces. When a Space is selected in the panel, only windows linked to it are shown. // // Igor Spaces organises windows (Graphs, Tables, Layouts, Notebooks or Panels) in separate Spaces. // When a Space is selected in the panel, only windows linked to it are shown. // How it works: // 1. Launch Igor Spaces from "Windows/Packages" submenu. // 2. Press the "New" button to create a new Space, name should be unique, otherwise you will be // prompted to change your input. When a new "Space" is created it becomes your active working Space. // New Spaces are created below the active row selection, and at the moment you cannot change their order. // 3.Press "Delete" to delete the selected space. Windows associated with the space are released and not // linked to any space ("" tag) // 4. Press "All" to show/hide all windows whether linked to a Space or not. // 5. When the Igor Spaces Panel is open any window you create is associated with the active Space. // 6. Double click on a row to rename the Space // 7. Press Shift + Click on a row of the ListBox to move the top window to the selected space // 8. Press Alt + Click anywhere in the ListBox of the panel (rows or empty space below) to pin the top // window to all spaces (visible everywhere) // 9. To unpin press Shift + Alt + Click anywhere in the ListBox to unpin the window (becomes free floating). // You can also make a normal window free-floating using the same procedure. Alternatively, if you want to // unpin and link it to a space goto 7. // 10. Use Ctlr + click to mark/unmark a space with an asterisk and link it to the selected data folder in the data browser. // When selecting a Space with an asterisk the current data folder changes to the linked data folder. // ------------------------------------------------------- // /// /// TL;DR: /// SHIFT+Click: on a Space to associate with the top window. /// Double-click: Rename the Space. /// ALT+click (on an enpty row NOT a space): Pin top window to all Spaces. /// SHIFT+ALT+click: unpin top window and make (now with no Space link, i.e. orphan). /// CTRL+click (CMD+click on MacOS): link space to the selected data folder in Data Browser /// (now marked with an asterisk). Current data folder changes when you select spaces with asterisk. Menu "Macros" "Launch Spaces", /Q, ATH_Spaces#MenuLaunch() End static Function MenuLaunch() DFREF dfr = CreateDataFolderGetDFREF("root:Packages:ATH_DataFolder:Spaces") WAVE/Z/T/SDFR=dfr ATHSpacesTW NVAR/Z/SDFR=dfr gSelectedSpace NVAR/Z/SDFR=dfr gShowAllWindowsSwitch if(!WaveExists(ATHSpacesTW)) // If there is no text wave Make/T/N=1 dfr:ATHSpacesTW = "Main" Make/T/N=1 dfr:ATHSpacesTWDF variable/G dfr:gSelectedSpace = 0 variable/G dfr:gShowAllWindowsSwitch = 0 variable/G dfr:gShowOrphanWindowsSwitch = 0 endif if(!(NVAR_Exists(gSelectedSpace) || NVAR_Exists(gShowAllWindowsSwitch))) variable/G dfr:gSelectedSpace = 0 variable/G dfr:gShowAllWindowsSwitch = 0 variable/G dfr:gShowOrphanWindowsSwitch = 0 endif if(WinType("ATH_SpacesPanel")) // Will return 7 for a panel, 0 if it's not there DoWindow/F ATH_SpacesPanel else MakePanel() endif return 0 End static Function MakePanel() // Scale with IgorOptions here DFREF dfr = CreateDataFolderGetDFREF("root:Packages:ATH_DataFolder:Spaces") string igorInfoStr = StringByKey( "SCREEN1", IgorInfo(0)) // INFO: Change here if needed igorInfoStr = RemoveListItem(0, igorInfoStr, ",") variable screenLeft, screenTop, screenRight, screenBottom, panelLeft, panelTop, panelRight, panelBottom sscanf igorInfoStr, "RECT=%d,%d,%d,%d", screenLeft, screenTop, screenRight, screenBottom variable screenWidth, screenLength, listlength, listwidth screenWidth = abs(screenRight - screenLeft) screenLength = abs(screenBottom - screenTop) panelLeft = screenWidth * 0.875 panelRight = screenWidth panelTop = screenLength * 0.2 panelBottom = screenLength * 0.8 listlength = abs(panelBottom - panelTop) * 0.925 listwidth = abs(panelRight - panelLeft) NVAR/Z/SDFR=dfr gSelectedSpace variable pntConv = (CmpStr(IgorInfo(2), "Windows") == 0 && ScreenResolution >= 96) ? 1 : 72/ScreenResolution NewPanel /N=ATH_SpacesPanel/W=(panelLeft*pntConv, panelTop*pntConv, panelRight*pntConv, panelBottom*pntConv) as "ATH Spaces" SetDrawLayer UserBack Button NewSpaceB, pos={20,8.00},size={listwidth * 0.3333,20.00},help={"Create new space"},fColor=(3,52428,1) Button DeleteSpaceB, pos={20 + listwidth * 0.5,8.00},size={listwidth * 0.3333,20.00},title="Delete" Button DeleteSpaceB, help={"Delete existing space"},fColor=(65535,16385,16385) Button ShowAllB, pos={20,35},size={listwidth * 0.3333,20.00},title="All" Button ShowAllB, help={"Show all windows"},fColor=(32768,40777,65535) Button ShowOrphansB, help={"Show windows with no tag"}, title = "Orphans", fColor=(65535,65533,32768) Button ShowOrphansB, pos={20 + listwidth * 0.5,35},size={listwidth * 0.3333,20.00} ListBox listOfspaces, pos={1.00,60},size={listwidth,listlength},proc=ATH_Spaces#ListBoxFunction ListBox listOfspaces, fSize=14,frame=2,listWave=dfr:ATHSpacesTW,mode=2,selRow=gSelectedSpace // Add a help string string helpStr = "- SHIFT+Click: on a Space to associate with the top window.\n- Double-click: Rename the Space.\n- " +\ "ALT+click (on an enpty row NOT a space): Pin top window to all Spaces.\n- SHIFT+ALT+click: unpin top window and make (now with no Space link, i.e. orphan).\n- "+\ "CTRL+click(CMD+click): link space to the selected data folder in Data Browser (now marked with an asterisk).\nCurrent data folder changes when you select spaces with asterisk." TitleBox HelpTitle, title = "?", pos={20 + listwidth * 0.4,20}, frame=0, fSize=14,fstyle=1, fColor=(65535,0,0), labelBack=(65535,49151,55704), help={helpStr} ModifyControlList ControlNameList("ATH_SpacesPanel",";","*B") proc=ATH_Spaces#SpacesButton,win=ATH_SpacesPanel return 0 End Static Function SpacesButton(STRUCT WMButtonAction &s) if (s.eventCode != 2) return 0 endif DFREF dfr = CreateDataFolderGetDFREF("root:Packages:ATH_DataFolder:Spaces") WAVE/T/SDFR=dfr ATHSpacesTW, ATHSpacesTWDF variable index, showSwitchAll, showSwitchOrphans variable numSpaces = DimSize(ATHSpacesTW, 0) string msg NVAR/SDFR=dfr gSelectedSpace NVAR/SDFR=dfr gShowAllWindowsSwitch NVAR/SDFR=dfr gShowOrphanWindowsSwitch strswitch (s.ctrlName) case "NewSpaceB": string newSpaceNameStr = TrimString(GenericSingleStrPrompt("New space name (not empty or starting with *):", "Enter the name of the new Space")) if(!UniqueSpaceNameQ(ATHSpacesTW, newSpaceNameStr) || !strlen(TrimString(newSpaceNameStr)) || GrepString(newSpaceNameStr, "^\*")) // if the name is not unique or empty string do newSpaceNameStr = TrimString(GenericSingleStrPrompt("New space name (not empty or starting with *):", "Enter a *different* name for the new Space")) while(!UniqueSpaceNameQ(ATHSpacesTW, newSpaceNameStr) || !strlen(TrimString(newSpaceNameStr)) || GrepString(newSpaceNameStr, "^\*")) endif if (!numSpaces) // If you have deleted all spaces index = 0 else index = gSelectedSpace + 1 endif InsertPoints index, 1, ATHSpacesTW InsertPoints index, 1, ATHSpacesTWDF ATHSpacesTW[index] = newSpaceNameStr // Set the space you created as active ListBox listOfspaces, selRow = index gSelectedSpace = index ShowWindowsOfSpaceTag(newSpaceNameStr, 1) // Show windows of the new Space - No windows to show! break case "DeleteSpaceB": if(numSpaces) if(gSelectedSpace > numSpaces - 1) gSelectedSpace = numSpaces - 1 endif msg = "Do you want to delete \"" + SanitiseATHSpaceName(ATHSpacesTW[gSelectedSpace]) + "\"" DoAlert/T="You are about to delete a Space", 1, msg if(V_flag == 1) ClearWindowsFromSpaceTag(SanitiseATHSpaceName(ATHSpacesTW[gSelectedSpace])) // has to come first! DeletePoints gSelectedSpace, 1, ATHSpacesTW DeletePoints gSelectedSpace, 1, ATHSpacesTWDF gSelectedSpace = gSelectedSpace == 0 ? 0: (gSelectedSpace - 1) ListBox listOfspaces, selRow = gSelectedSpace endif endif break case "ShowAllB": showSwitchAll = 1 - gShowAllWindowsSwitch ModifyControl ShowOrphansB, valueColor=(0,0,0), win=ATH_SpacesPanel if(showSwitchAll) gShowAllWindowsSwitch = 1 ModifyControl ShowAllB, valueColor=(65535,0,0), win=ATH_SpacesPanel ShowAllWindows(0) else gShowAllWindowsSwitch = 0 ModifyControl ShowAllB, valueColor=(2,39321,1), win=ATH_SpacesPanel ShowAllWindows(1) endif break case "ShowOrphansB": showSwitchOrphans = 1 - gShowOrphanWindowsSwitch ModifyControl ShowAllB, valueColor=(0,0,0), win=ATH_SpacesPanel if(showSwitchOrphans) gShowOrphanWindowsSwitch = 1 ModifyControl ShowOrphansB, valueColor=(65535,0,0), win=ATH_SpacesPanel ShowOrphanWindows(0) else gShowOrphanWindowsSwitch = 0 ModifyControl ShowOrphansB, valueColor=(2,39321,1), win=ATH_SpacesPanel ShowOrphanWindows(1) endif break endswitch return 0 End static Function ListBoxFunction(STRUCT WMListboxAction &LB_Struct) DFREF dfr = CreateDataFolderGetDFREF("root:Packages:ATH_DataFolder:Spaces") WAVE/T/SDFR=dfr ATHSpacesTW, ATHSpacesTWDF NVAR/SDFR=dfr gSelectedSpace string msg, newSpaceNameStr, oldSpaceNameStr, winNameStr, buffer, prefix, listLinkedPP, linkedFolder variable numSpaces = DimSize(ATHSpacesTW, 0) variable hookresult = 0, i switch(LB_Struct.eventCode) // INFO: When you click outside of entry cells in the ListBox you get maxListEntries as row selection! case -1: // Control being killed //Do nothing break case 1: // Mouse down gSelectedSpace = LB_Struct.row if(gSelectedSpace > numSpaces - 1) gSelectedSpace = numSpaces - 1 endif // Press Option (Mac) or Alt (Windows) and click anywhere in the Listbox to // pin the top window (show in all spaces). if(LB_Struct.eventMod == 5) winNameStr = WinName(1, 87, 0) // Top Window: Graph, Table, Layout, Notebook or Panel SetWindow $winNameStr userdata(ATH_SpacesTag) = "ATH__PinnedWindow__ATH" // Assign special tag for pinned window endif // Press Shift+Option (Mac) or Shift+Alt (Windows) and click in the Listbox to // unpin the top window by setting an empty tag "" if(LB_Struct.eventMod == 7) winNameStr = WinName(1, 87, 0) // Top Window: Graph, Table, Layout, Notebook or Panel SetWindow $winNameStr userdata(ATH_SpacesTag) = "" // Assign special tag for pinned window endif hookresult = 1 break case 2: // Mouse up gSelectedSpace = LB_Struct.row if(gSelectedSpace > numSpaces - 1) gSelectedSpace = numSpaces - 1 endif if(GrepString(ATHSpacesTW[gSelectedSpace], "^\*") && strlen(ATHSpacesTWDF[gSelectedSpace])) SetDataFolder ATHSpacesTWDF[gSelectedSpace] endif hookresult = 1 break case 3: // Double click gSelectedSpace = LB_Struct.row if (gSelectedSpace > numSpaces - 1) hookresult = 1 break endif msg = "Rename Space \"" + SanitiseATHSpaceName(ATHSpacesTW[gSelectedSpace]) + "\"" oldSpaceNameStr = ATHSpacesTW[gSelectedSpace] // Do not sanitise now if(GrepString(oldSpaceNameStr, "^\*")) prefix = "*" else prefix = "" endif oldSpaceNameStr = SanitiseATHSpaceName(ATHSpacesTW[gSelectedSpace]) newSpaceNameStr = oldSpaceNameStr // start with the old string, help with correcting typos Prompt newSpaceNameStr, "New name" DoPrompt "Change name of Space", newSpaceNameStr if(V_flag) return 1 endif newSpaceNameStr = TrimString(newSpaceNameStr) if(!UniqueSpaceNameQ(ATHSpacesTW, newSpaceNameStr) || !strlen(TrimString(newSpaceNameStr))|| GrepString(newSpaceNameStr, "^\*")) // if the name is not unique or empty string do newSpaceNameStr = TrimString(GenericSingleStrPrompt("Space name already exists or string is empty or starts with *, enter a valid name:", \ "Enter a *unique* name for the new Space")) while(!UniqueSpaceNameQ(ATHSpacesTW, newSpaceNameStr) || !strlen(TrimString(newSpaceNameStr))|| GrepString(newSpaceNameStr, "^\*")) endif ATHSpacesTW[gSelectedSpace] = prefix + newSpaceNameStr RenameSpaceTagOnWindows(oldSpaceNameStr, newSpaceNameStr) // newSpaceNameStr has no * prefix! hookresult = 1 break case 4: // Cell selection (mouse or arrow keys) gSelectedSpace = LB_Struct.row if(gSelectedSpace > numSpaces - 1) gSelectedSpace = numSpaces - 1 endif if(LB_Struct.eventMod == 9) // If CTRL+click or CMD+click (Mac) is pressed in a row winNameStr = WinName(1, 87, 0) // Top Window: Graph, Table, Layout, Notebook or Panel if(GrepString(ATHSpacesTW[gSelectedSpace], "^\*")) buffer = ATHSpacesTW[gSelectedSpace] ATHSpacesTW[gSelectedSpace] = buffer[1, inf] ATHSpacesTWDF[gSelectedSpace] = "" else linkedFolder = GetBrowserSelection(0);variable errorCode = GetRTError(1) if(errorCode) print "athinaSpacesError: " + GetErrMessage(errorCode, 3) else buffer = "*" + ATHSpacesTW[gSelectedSpace] ATHSpacesTW[gSelectedSpace] = buffer if(exists(linkedFolder)==1) ATHSpacesTWDF[gSelectedSpace] = GetWavesDataFolder($linkedFolder,1) elseif(exists(linkedFolder)==2) ATHSpacesTWDF[gSelectedSpace] = ParseFilePath(1, linkedFolder, ":", 1, 0) elseif(DataFolderExists(linkedFolder)) ATHSpacesTWDF[gSelectedSpace] = linkedFolder else // Remove asterisk, did not catch a directory buffer = ATHSpacesTW[gSelectedSpace] ATHSpacesTW[gSelectedSpace] = buffer[1, inf] ATHSpacesTWDF[gSelectedSpace] = "" endif endif endif else ShowWindowsOfSpaceTag(SanitiseATHSpaceName(ATHSpacesTW[gSelectedSpace]), 1) endif DoWindow/F $LB_Struct.win // Bring panel to the FG hookresult = 1 break case 5: // Cell selection plus Shift key (Assign window to Space) // WinName(0, 87) is the "ATH Spaces" panel gSelectedSpace = LB_Struct.row if (gSelectedSpace > numSpaces - 1) hookresult = 1 break endif winNameStr = WinName(1, 87, 0) // Top Window: Graph, Table, Layout, Notebook or Panel gSelectedSpace = LB_Struct.row SetWindow $winNameStr userdata(ATH_SpacesTag) = SanitiseATHSpaceName(ATHSpacesTW[gSelectedSpace]) // Assign tag to window // Do we have a linked panel? // List of known linked profile extensions (SumBeamsProfile, LineProfile, PlaneProfileZ) listLinkedPP = "ImageSource;ImageZPP;ImageLPP;ImagePPZ;iXPSPP" for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) // Manually add here maxVal as ItemsInList(listLinkedPP) buffer = GetUserData(winNameStr, "", "ATH_LinkedWin" + StringFromList(i, listLinkedPP)) if(strlen(buffer)) SetWindow $buffer userdata(ATH_SpacesTag) = SanitiseATHSpaceName(ATHSpacesTW[gSelectedSpace]) // Assign tag to window endif endfor hookresult = 1 break endswitch return hookresult End static Function ShowWindowsOfSpaceTag(string spaceTagStr, variable showSwitch) // showSwitch = 0 (hide window) // showSwitch = 1 (show window) string winNameStr, getSpacetagStr string allWindowsStr = SortList(RemoveFromList("ATH_SpacesPanel",WinList("*",";","WIN:87")), ";", 16) variable i, imax = ItemsInList(allWindowsStr) for(i = 0; i < imax; i++) winNameStr = StringFromList(i, allWindowsStr) getSpacetagStr = GetUserData(winNameStr, "", "ATH_SpacesTag") if(!cmpstr(getSpacetagStr, spacetagStr, 0)) // comparison is case-insensitive. SetWindow $winNameStr hide = 1 - showSwitch // Match elseif(!cmpstr(getSpacetagStr, "ATH__PinnedWindow__ATH", 0)) // Pinned window SetWindow $winNameStr hide = 0 // Always show else SetWindow $winNameStr hide = showSwitch endif endfor return 0 End static Function RenameSpaceTagOnWindows(string oldspaceTagStr, string newspaceTagStr) string winNameStr = "", getSpacetagStr variable i = 0 do i++ winNameStr = WinName(i, 87, 0) // i = 0 is the ATH_SpacesPanel, so we skip checking it getSpacetagStr = GetUserData(winNameStr, "", "ATH_SpacesTag") if(!cmpstr(getSpacetagStr, oldspaceTagStr, 0)) // comparison is case-insensitive. SetWindow $winNameStr userdata(ATH_SpacesTag) = newspaceTagStr endif while(strlen(winNameStr)) return 0 End static Function ClearWindowsFromSpaceTag(string spaceTagStr) string winNameStr = "", getSpacetagStr variable i = 0 do i++ winNameStr = WinName(i, 87, 0) // i = 0 is the ATH_SpacesPanel, so we skip checking it // Catch "" from setting SetWindow $"" hide = 1/0 if(!strlen(winNameStr)) break endif getSpacetagStr = GetUserData(winNameStr, "", "ATH_SpacesTag") if(!cmpstr(getSpacetagStr, spacetagStr, 0)) // comparison is case-insensitive. SetWindow $winNameStr userdata(ATH_SpacesTag) = "" endif while(strlen(winNameStr)) return 0 End static Function UniqueSpaceNameQ(WAVE/T textW, string spaceNameStr) /// Return true of spaceNameStr in not an element of textW (case-insensitive), i.e it is Unique variable numEntries = DimSize(textW, 0), i for(i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) if(!cmpstr(SanitiseATHSpaceName(textW[i]), spaceNameStr)) return 0 endif endfor return 1 End static Function/S SanitiseATHSpaceName(string spaceNameStr) if(GrepString(spaceNameStr, "^\*")) return spaceNameStr[1,inf] else return spaceNameStr endif End static Function ShowAllWindows(variable showSwitch) // showSwitch = 0 (hide window) // showSwitch = 1 (show window) string winNameStr variable i = 0 do i++ winNameStr = WinName(i, 87, 0) // Catch "" from setting SetWindow $"" hide = 1/0 if(!strlen(winNameStr)) break endif if(!cmpstr(winNameStr, "ATH_SpacesPanel", 0)) continue endif SetWindow $winNameStr hide = 1 - showSwitch while(strlen(winNameStr)) return 0 End static Function ShowOrphanWindows(variable showSwitch) // Show windows with no tag string winNameStr = "", getSpacetagStr variable i = 0 do i++ winNameStr = WinName(i, 87, 0) // i = 0 is the ATH_SpacesPanel, so we skip checking it // Catch "" from setting SetWindow $"" hide = 1/0 if(!strlen(winNameStr)) break endif getSpacetagStr = GetUserData(winNameStr, "", "ATH_SpacesTag") if(!strlen(getSpacetagStr)) SetWindow $winNameStr hide = 1 - showSwitch else SetWindow $winNameStr hide = showSwitch endif while(strlen(winNameStr)) return 0 End static Function/DF CreateDataFolderGetDFREF(string fullpath, [int setDF]) // Cornerstone function /// Create a data folder using fullpath and return a DF reference. /// If parent directories do not exist they are created. /// SetDF set the cwd to fullpath if set. /// N.B If the folder contains paths with liberal names without /// enclosing single quotes then the path is sanitised setDF = ParamIsDefault(setDF) ? 0 : setDF // Sanitize path, liberal names // It is not always needed, if(!isPathStringLegalQ(fullpath)) fullpath = SanitizePath(fullpath) endif // If the directory exists if(DataFolderExists(ParseFilePath(2, fullpath, ":", 0, 0))) // ":" at the end needed to function properly DFREF dfr = $fullpath if (setDF) SetDataFolder dfr endif return dfr endif /// Create a list of missing paths, parents first. variable steps = ItemsInlist(ParseFilePath(2, fullpath, ":", 0, 0), ":"), i string fldrs = "", fldrstr for(i = 1; i < steps ; i++) // i = 0 & steps return NULL string fldrs += ParseFilePath(1, fullpath, ":", 0, i) + ";" endfor fldrs += ParseFilePath(2, fullpath, ":", 0, 0) // add the full path (last child folder is created here // now create the folder from parent to child variable fldrnum = ItemsInList(fldrs) for(i = 0; i < fldrnum; i++) fldrstr = StringFromList(i, fldrs) if(!DataFolderExists(fldrstr)) // ":" at the end needed to function properly - No! (08.01.23) NewDataFolder/O $RemoveEnding(fldrstr, ":") // Here the last ":" pops an error endif endfor DFREF dfr = $fullpath if (setDF) SetDataFolder dfr endif return dfr End static Function/S GenericSingleStrPrompt(string strPrompt, string msgDialog) string returnStrVar Prompt returnStrVar, strPrompt DoPrompt msgDialog, returnStrVar if(V_flag) Abort endif return returnStrVar End static Function isPathStringLegalQ(string path) variable steps = ItemsInlist(path, ":"), i string str for(i = 0; i < steps ; i++) str = StringFromList(i, path, ":") if(isLiberalQ(str) && (cmpstr(str[0],"'") || cmpstr(str[strlen(str)-1],"'")) ) return 0 endif endfor return 1 End static Function/S SanitizePath(string path) // Fix liberal relative pathnames in fullpath variable steps = ItemsInlist(path, ":"), i string spath = "", str for(i = 0; i < steps ; i++) // i = 0 & steps return NULL string str = StringFromList(i, path, ":") if(isLiberalQ(str)) spath += PossiblyQuoteName(str) + ":" else spath += str + ":" endif endfor return spath End static Function isLiberalQ(string s) // Checks if a string is liberal. // Returns 0 for empty string string regex = "^[a-zA-Z]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$" if(GrepString(s, regex) || !strlen(s)) return 0 else return 1 endif End // AfterWindowCreatedHook - Used in Spaces to assign tags to new windows Function AfterWindowCreatedHook(string windowNameStr, variable winTypevar) // Every window created is assigned to the active Space if the panel is there if(WinType("ATH_SpacesPanel")) DFREF dfr = ATH_DFR#CreateDataFolderGetDFREF("root:Packages:ATH_DataFolder:Spaces") WAVE/Z/T/SDFR=dfr ATHSpacesTW NVAR/SDFR=dfr gSelectedSpace windowNameStr = WinName(0, 87, 1) // Window is created, visible only if(DimSize(ATHSpacesTW,0) && cmpstr(windowNameStr,"ATH_SpacesPanel")) // We have to have at least one space //Sanitize names if(GrepString(ATHSpacesTW[gSelectedSpace], "^\*")) SetWindow $windowNameStr userdata(ATH_SpacesTag) = ATH_Spaces#SanitiseATHSpaceName(ATHSpacesTW[gSelectedSpace]) else SetWindow $windowNameStr userdata(ATH_SpacesTag) = ATHSpacesTW[gSelectedSpace] endif endif endif return 0 // Ignored End



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Nice idea! Thank you. Just a few comments.
* Distribution and management of the code could be easier all around if you would post it as an Igor project. See the button Create A Project at the top left of the page for Projects List. Also consider making the procedure file and the project itself compatible with the Igor Exchange Project Updater package.
* The menu might be better put in the Windows sub-menu rather than in Macros.
* Are you aware of the Windows Desktop project that has a similar purpose to what you are attempting in your code?
March 15, 2023 at 03:09 pm - Permalink
In reply to Nice idea! Thank you. Just a… by jjweimer
Hi jjweimer,
* I will post it as a new project soon and make it compatible with the Updater.
* You are right, it's better under the "Windows", maybe "Windows/Packages".
* I have see and tested Adam's package. We are going to use the package during beamtimes so it's helpful to have named spaces (e.g. "Sample #3245 XPS after 500°C annealing"). When you have more than 4-5 Desktops/Spaces you forget where is what. That's was the only downside of Adam's package. I coded IgorSpaces in a day, if I wanted to customise ACL_WindowDesktops it would have taken me much more time!
Thanks for your comments.
March 16, 2023 at 01:16 am - Permalink