Fit a circle to 2D coords (least squares method)

Function FitCircleTo2DCoords(w) Wave w // requires 2D numeric wave with two columnns corresponding to xy coords if(Dimsize(w,1) != 2) return -1 endif // make two 1D waves for x and y coords SplitWave/O/NAME="xW;yW;" w Wave xW,yW // solve in terms of u and v coordinates Duplicate/O xw, uW Duplicate/O yw, vW uW[] = xw[p] - mean(xw) vW[] = yw[p] - mean(yw) // sigma calcs - store as variables for clean code Variable Su = sum(uW) Variable Sv = sum(vW) MatrixOp/O/FREE uu = uW * uW Variable Suu = sum(uu) MatrixOp/O/FREE vv = vW * vW Variable Svv = sum(vv) MatrixOp/O/FREE uv = uW * vW Variable Suv = sum(uv) MatrixOp/O/FREE uuu = uW * uW * uW Variable Suuu = sum(uuu) MatrixOp/O/FREE uvv = uW * vW * vW Variable Suvv = sum(uvv) MatrixOp/O/FREE vvv = vW * vW * vW Variable Svvv = sum(vvv) MatrixOp/O/FREE vuu = vW * uW * uW Variable Svuu = sum(vuu) // linear system Make/O/N=(2,2) matA = {{Suu,Suv},{Suv,Svv}} Make/O/N=(2,1) matB = {0.5 * (Suuu + Suvv),0.5 * (Svvv + Svuu)} // Solve it. matB is overwritten with the result uc,vc MatrixLinearSolve/O matA matB // transform back to x y coordinate system to get xc,yc Duplicate/O matB, matC // matC is saved and contains the centre of the circle matC[0] = matB[0] + mean(xW) matC[1] = matB[1] + mean(yW) // alpha is the radius squared Variable alpha = matB[0]^2 + matB[1]^2 + ( (Suu + Svv) / numpnts(xW) ) // clean up 1D waves KillWaves/Z xW,yW // return radius return sqrt(alpha) End
This code returns the radius of a circle that fits a set of 2D coordinates. Simple least-squares method. Coordinates may be from an arc or other sparse set of points. Centre of circle is stored as a wave matC.



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