Scroll Through a Trace

Here is a code that will scroll. Select a graph with the trace that you want to scroll. Type scroll_OverTrace(...) with input values gwidth as the width of the view pane, sstep as the scroll step, and speed as the 60/speed tick rate.
// scroll in graph with axis width gwidth with step sstep at speed in 60/speed ticks Function scroll_OverTrace(variable gwidth, variable sstep, variable speed) // sanity check if (sstep > gwidth) sstep = gwidth/10 endif // front graph string fgwin fgwin = WinName(0,1,1) variable lx, rx, gmin, gmax GetAxis/W=$fgwin/Q bottom lx = v_min rx = v_max GetAxis/W=$fgwin/Q left gmin = v_min gmax = v_max // top trace string tname tname = StringFromList(0,TraceNameList(fgwin,"",1)) wave gwave = TraceNameToWaveRef(fgwin,tname) // set up new window KillWindow/Z LiveTraceScroll display/N=LiveTraceScroll gwave SetAxis/W=LiveTraceScroll left, gmin, gmax SetAxis/W=LiveTraceScroll bottom, lx, gwidth DoUpdate/W=LiveTraceScroll // loop to scroll variable ic, nsteps, dx nsteps = (rx - lx)/sstep for (ic=0;ic<nsteps;ic+=1) dx = ic*sstep SetAxis/W=LiveTraceScroll bottom, lx+dx, gwidth+dx sleep/T/Q/PROG={"Stop","",1} 60/speed DoUpdate/W=LiveTraceScroll endfor // return to main window DoWindow/F $fgwin return 0 end



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