Create Stand-Alone Color Calibrator Scale Bar

This function creates a stand-alone color bar.
cscale - the color scale number to find in CTab list
bit depth - the image bit depth
wcm - width of color bar (cm)
hcm - height of color bar (cm)
imin, imax - optional range of color bar (otherwise from 0 to 2^bitdepth - 1)
caveat -- you may need to substitute 72 with 96 to run the sizes properly on windows systems
Function make_CalibrationBar(cscale, bitdepth, wcm, hcm, [imin, imax]) variable cscale, bitdepth, wcm, hcm, imin, imax variable iwpixels, ihpixels string theColorScale = StringFromList(cscale,CTabList()) // min / max of calibration scale if (ParamIsDefault(imin)) imin = 0 endif if (ParamIsDefault(imax)) imax = 2^bitdepth - 1 endif // calibator scale size iwpixels = ceil(2.54*wcm*72) ihpixels = ceil(2.54*hcm*72) // make the image make/O/N=(iwpixels,ihpixels) calibratorimage switch(bitdepth) case 16: Redimension/W/U calibratorimage break default: Redimension/B/U calibratorimage break endswitch calibratorimage = imin calibratorimage[iwpixels/2][ihpixels/2] = imax // display it NewImage/N=CImage calibratorimage ModifyGraph/W=CImage width=iwpixels, height=ihpixels ModifyGraph/W=CImage nticks=0,axThick=0 // add the color bar ColorScale/C/N=textCS/F=0/B=1/D={0.1,1,0}/A=MC/X=0.00/Y=0.00 side=2,widthPct=100,heightPct=100,frame=0.00,nticks=0 ColorScale/C/N=textCS ctab={imin,imax,$theColorScale,0} return 0 end



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