A fit function for QENS data.

Function fitUsingNLor(cw, yw, xw1) : FitFunc Wave cw, yw, xw1 //An all at once fit function to fit QENS data. //function fits a linear background // with a delta function // and N lorentzians. // delta and lorentzians are centred at the same position (cw[2]) // xw1 contains the x values // res contains the instrumental resolution function at the same x values. // the returned y wave consists of the sum of the delta and N lorentzian functions // convolved with the resolution function //the resolution function MUST be contained in the following wave Wave res = root:res //!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //ASSUMES: //1) THAT THE POINT SPACING IN XW1 IS LINEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //2) THE RESOLUTION WAVE MUST HAVE THE SAME NUMBER OF POINTS AS XW1 AND BE THE WAVE ROOT:RES //3) DO NOT TRY TO INTERPRET THE FUNCTION AT ANY OTHER POINTS THAN THE INPUT XW1 WAVE (IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE). //!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //explanatory //cw[0] = a //cw[1] = b //cw[2] = PEAK POS //cw[3] = area - delta //cw[4] = FWHM - lor 0 //cw[5] = AREA - lor 0 //cw[2*n + 4] = FWHM - lor n //cw[2*n + 5] = AREA - lor n variable timer variable numconts, ii, offset, area_res, conv_offset, rot_remaining, shift, thearea numconts = (numpnts(cw) - 4)/2 yw = 0 make/free/d/n=3 lor_cw = 0 make/free/d/n=(numpnts(yw)) tempyw MarkPerfTestTime 0 for(ii = 0 ; ii < numconts ; ii+=1) offset = 2*ii + 4 lor_cw[0] = cw[2] lor_cw[1] = cw[offset] lor_cw[2] = cw[offset + 1] //multithread tempyw = 2*lor_cw[2]/pi * lor_cw[1]/(4*(xw1-lor_cw[0])^2 + lor_cw[1]^2) MPFXLorenzianPeak(lor_cw, tempyw, xw1) multithread yw += tempyw endfor MarkPerfTestTime 1 //convolve and account for the scaling convolve/a res, yw MarkPerfTestTime 2 fastop yw = (xw1[1] - xw1[0]) *yw theArea = areaXY(xw1, res) fastop yw = (1/theArea) * yw MarkPerfTestTime 3 //have to rotate because of the convolution //the rotate operation gets you most of the way there conv_offset = binarysearchinterp(xw1, 0) - trunc(numpnts(xw1) / 2) rotate -trunc(conv_offset), yw duplicate/free yw, tempyw rot_remaining = conv_offset - trunc(conv_offset) yw = tempyw[p + rot_remaining] MarkPerfTestTime 4 //add in scaling of the delta function duplicate/free res, tempyw shift = cw[2]/(xw1[1] - xw1[0]) area_res = areaxy(W_energy, res) yw += tempyw[p-shift] * cw[3] / area_res //add in the background multithread yw += cw[0] + cw[1] * xw1 MarkPerfTestTime 5 End



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I wrote the following comments before I realized it was you... I'm sure you've thought about these issues... People reading my comments should not take them to indicate that they should avoid using this code!
It might also cause problems using the /D auto-destination feature.
You can most likely relieve that requirement by (carefully) making an intermediate wave to gather computed results, then using a wave assignment to read out linearly-interpolated values into the yw wave. See the second example here:
DisplayHelpTopic "All-At-Once Fitting Functions"
I am concerned about your use of a second independent variable to pass in the resolution function. That will make Igor think this is a multivariate fit function and /D flag will be made as a matrix. Your solution is easy to use, of course, since you can do it all in the Curve Fit dialog. But you would be better off to write a driver function and pass the resolution function via a wave that's looked up use a WAVE statement inside the function. You could also do this via a structure-based all-at-once fit function:
DisplayHelpTopic "Structure Fit Functions"
Since Igor is not able to make global structures, you *have* to make a driver function for the fit.
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
April 7, 2011 at 09:27 am - Permalink
If you know a better way to do the convolution please let me know.
April 7, 2011 at 08:57 pm - Permalink
My solution to convolution of non-evenly-spaced data is to make an intermediate wave that *is* evenly spaced and do all the computations using that. Then the last line is an interpolation into the yw wave. That's the way the convolution all-at-once complicated example works. It can be really tricky to figure out a heuristic for making an adequate intermediate wave.
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
April 8, 2011 at 09:53 am - Permalink
March 1, 2014 at 01:54 pm - Permalink
Does this make sense?
So, at least I can now get the function to return something that seems workable. But, when I go to fit my QENS data what is returned as the fit wave has odd x scaling and the doesn't fit the data. It is broadened and too tall by 1-2 orders of magnitude. I have attached a image of the fit window with the resolution wave, test data wave, fit wave, and the wave I create with the fit parameters.
I think there is still something wrong.
March 1, 2014 at 04:41 pm - Permalink