Text Editing Tools: A Compendium of User Contributions

TextEditTools.ipf compiles a collection of utilities for text editing that have been shared in this forum.
Revisions and additions can be posted here by any user.
Note: Works with Igor Pro version 9. If you want to use this code with Igor 8, please update to a recent nightly build (Select Igor Pro Nightly Builds... from the Help menu).



Igor Pro 9
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Igor XOP Toolkit
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Igor NIDAQ Tools MX
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Awesome. Thank you for putting this together.
EDIT: For users who a curious about the contents, here is a list of the snippets/code currently contained within the compilation:
Prettify code:
Wrap procedure comments:
Transpose paste:
Align comments:
If somebody has an useful piece of code for working with text, clipboard contents or procedures please let us know.
July 13, 2020 at 05:14 am - Permalink
version 1.6 corrects a typo in the keywords list for prettify.
July 16, 2020 at 03:35 am - Permalink
Version 1.7 adds
Insert Control Action Procedure Template
Some of the Prettify File code, from Thomas Braun
I inserted Igor 9 style code comment markers and defined some symbols to make it easy to deselect any parts of the code you don't wish to use.
April 26, 2021 at 04:53 am - Permalink
Excellent! Thanks a lot for the update.
April 26, 2021 at 05:52 am - Permalink
Version 1.8 fixes two problems with the prettify code:
Avoid splitting words on ".", prevents replacement of structure element names.
Accept an optional "static" preceding proc picture code when deciding which blocks of code to mask.
June 11, 2021 at 03:38 am - Permalink