Radial Profiler Demo

This package contains a demo version of a control panel as a starting point to create radial profiles over features (blobs) in a (grayscale - 2D) image.

This package requires the Image Tools Package.

The ZIP archive contains a video tutorial of how to use the radial profiler.

The demo version will only find the blob and show the row/column profiles. Contact me off-line when you are interested in the full version.


Radial Profiler v100 Image

Project Details

Current Project Release


Release File: Radial Profiler Demo v1.00.zip (96.23 MB)
Version: 1.00
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Extra: 00
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Squashed Bugs

  • bug fixes to various UI routines
  • bug fixes to various internal calculation routines

Added Features

  • works without the need for threshold image
  • allows the cursors to move as inputs for position of rings
  • has popup option to view results

Improved Code / UI

  • options to move by CoM only move the center of rings (not radius)
  • restructured code in profiler and calculator to be in category sets


This ZIP archive has a video demonstration to show the differences between this demo version and the full version.

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