Search for rising edge going backward in wave?

I have a wave that appears as below.
I want to find the width of the feature. I am using FindLevel going forward for a rising edge to find the first point. In this statement, tRowsmax is defined by WaveStats as the maximum in the wave tRows.
FindLevel/EDGE=1/Q tRows, 0.05*tRowsmax
I thought that I would find the other side with this
FindLevel/EDGE=1/R=[numpnts(tRows)-1,0]/Q tRows, 0.05*tRowsmax
This gives me the same x value as the first search. Instead, I have to do this
FindLevel/EDGE=2/R=[numpnts(tRows)-1,0]/Q tRows, 0.05*tRowsmax
Why does the search for a rising edge going backward in the wave not give me what I might have expected?
Igor Pro 8 on macOS 10.14.6.



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My guess is that the direction of search does not determine if the feature is rising or falling, but rather it is with reference to point/scaling. My hypothesis is that the algorithm calculates a derivative and that is done on the original incarnation of the wave. In this example it is a falling direction. The search direction just decides if multiple exist which one to return.
January 20, 2020 at 06:18 am - Permalink
Yes. I figured that later last night. The level crossing is dy/dx is positive (rising) or dy/dx is negative (falling) regardless of the direction that is taken for the search.
January 20, 2020 at 08:30 am - Permalink