Load EC-Lab Data File

#pragma TextEncoding = "UTF-8" #pragma rtGlobals=3 // Use modern global access method and strict wave access. // About "Load EC-Lab Data File" procedures // To use this procedure, execute a command such as: // LoadECLabDataFile(pathName, filePath) // where // String pathName // Name of an Igor symbolic path or "" // String filePath // Name of file or full path to file // If you are not familiar with Igor symbolic paths, execute: // DisplayHelpTopic "Symbolic Paths" // LoadECLabDataFile automatically determines the name line, first data line, and delimiter character. // If it gets those parameters wrong, you can use LoadECLabDataFile2 instead. With LoadECLabDataFile2, // you specify those parameters in addition to the pathName and filePath. // These procedures solve issues raised by the column names in EC-Lab data files. // There are two categories of wave names in Igor: standard and liberal. Standard names start // with a letter and can include letters, numbers, and the underscore character. Liberal names // can include any character except for single-quote, double-quote, colon, and semicolon. // For further discussion of standard and liberal names, execute: // DisplayHelpTopic "Object Names" // Programming with liberal names is tricky and most Igor procedures do not work with // liberal names. Consequently, LoadWaves, by default, "cleans up" column names to produce // standard wave names. Using LoadWave/B, you can load waves with liberal names but this // is usually a bad idea because liberal names cause issues down the road unless you are // very careful. // The EC-Lab data file from Bio-Logic uses column names that contain characters that // are not legal in Igor standard names. Examples are "<Ewe>/V" and "|Ewe|/V". Furthermore, // when LoadWaves cleans these up, they both evaluate to X_Ewe__V, causing a name conflict. // And, there are some EC-Lab data files that contain columns with the exact same name // more than once - see https://www.wavemetrics.com/node/21003. // The LoadECLabDataFile procedure handles these issues by removing characters that // are not legal in standard Igor names and then by making sure that each name is unique. // As a result, you wind up with waves named, for example, Ewe_V and Ewe_V1. // // Here is a more extensive, though not complete, list of wave names produced by LoadECLabDataFile: // freq_Hz, ReZ_Ohm, ImZ_Ohm, Z_Ohm, PhaseZ_deg, time_s, Ewe_V, I_mA // Cs_uF, Cp_uF, cyclenumber, IRange, Ewe_V1, I_A, Q_Qo_mA_h, ReY_Ohm_1 // ImY_Ohm_1, Y_Ohm_1, PhaseY_deg, I_mA1, dq_mA_h, x1 static Function/S MakeNameUnique(name, nameList) String name // Name that we are about to add to /B flag String nameList // List of names already added to /B flag String originalName = name Variable index = 0 do if (WhichListItem(name, nameList) < 0) break // name is not in the list endif index += 1 sprintf name, "%s%d", originalName, index // Generate new name by appending a number while(1) return name End // RemoveIllegalCharacters(name) // Removes characters that we know are not legal in Igor standard names. // Here are typical resulting wave names: // freq_Hz, ReZ_Ohm, ImZ_Ohm, Z_Ohm, PhaseZ_deg, time_s, Ewe_V, I_mA // Cs_uF, Cp_uF, cyclenumber, IRange, Ewe_V1, I_A, Q_Qo_mA_h, ReY_Ohm_1 // ImY_Ohm_1, Y_Ohm_1, PhaseY_deg, I_mA1, dq_mA_h, x1 static Function/S RemoveIllegalCharacters(name) String name name = ReplaceString("|", name, "") name = ReplaceString("<", name, "") name = ReplaceString(">", name, "") name = ReplaceString("(", name, "") name = ReplaceString(")", name, "") name = ReplaceString("/", name, "_") name = ReplaceString(" ", name, "") return name End Function/S GenerateColumnInfoStr(pathName, filePath, nameLine, delimiter) String pathName // Name of an Igor symbolic path or "" String filePath // Name of file or full path to file Variable nameLine // 0-based number of line containing column names String delimiter // Typically "," or "\t" (tab) Variable refNum Open/R/P=$pathName refNum as filePath Variable lineNumber = 0 do String text FReadLine refNum, text if (lineNumber == nameLine) break endif lineNumber += 1 while(1) text = ReplaceString("\r", text, "") // Remove any CR terminator character text = ReplaceString("\n", text, "") // Remove any LF terminator character Close refNum String nameList = "" // Accumulates names String columnInfoStr = "" Variable numNames = ItemsInList(text, delimiter) Variable index for(index=0; index<numNames; index+=1) String name = StringFromList(index, text, delimiter) if (strlen(name) == 0) name = "_skip_" endif // Remove characters that we know are not legal in Igor standard names name = RemoveIllegalCharacters(name) // Make sure this is a legal standard wave name name = CleanupName(name, 0) // Make the name unique if it conflicts with a name already added to nameList name = MakeNameUnique(name, nameList) columnInfoStr += "N='" + name + "';" nameList += name + ";" endfor return columnInfoStr End // GetFileToLoad(pathName, filePath) // If necessary, displays an Open File dialog to allow user to choose the file. // Returns -1 if cancelled, 0 if OK. // If the function result is 0 then, on return, pathName and filePath are suitable // for use by LoadWave. static Function GetFileToLoad(pathName, filePath) String& pathName // Input and output: Name of an Igor symbolic path or "" String& filePath // Input and output: Name of file or full path to file if ((strlen(pathName)==0) || (strlen(filePath)==0)) // Display dialog looking for file. String fileFilters = "Text Files (*.txt):.txt;" fileFilters += "CSV Files (*.csv):.csv;" fileFilters += "DAT Files (*.dat):.dat;" fileFilters += "All Files:.*;" Variable refNum Open/D/R/F=fileFilters/P=$pathName refNum as filePath filePath = S_fileName // S_fileName is full path set by Open/D if (strlen(filePath) == 0) // User cancelled? return -1 endif endif return 0 End Function LoadECLabDataFile2(pathName, filePath, nameLine, firstDataLine, delimiter) String pathName // Name of an Igor symbolic path or "" String filePath // Name of file or full path to file Variable nameLine // Zero-based line number of names line Variable firstDataLine // Zero-based line number of first data line String delimiter // Delimiter between names and numbers, typically "," or "\t" (tab) // First get a valid reference to a file Variable result = GetFileToLoad(pathName, filePath) if (result != 0) return result // User cancelled Open File dialog endif String columnInfoStr = GenerateColumnInfoStr(pathName, filePath, nameLine, delimiter) // Print columnInfoStr LoadWave/J/Q/L={nameLine,firstDataLine,0,0,0}/A/B=columnInfoStr/E=1/P=$pathName filePath return 0 End static Function FindFirstDataLineAndDelimiter(pathName, filePath, firstDataLine, delimiter) String pathName // Name of an Igor symbolic path or "" String filePath // Name of file or full path to file Variable& firstDataLine // Output String& delimiter // Output Variable refNum = 0 Open/R/P=$pathName refNum as filePath if (refNum == 0) return -1 // Unexpected error endif Variable lineNum = 0 do String text FReadLine refNum, text if (strlen(text) == 0) Close refNum return -1 // Did not find first data line - Should not happen if this is a valid EC-Lab file endif Variable num sscanf text, "%g", num if (V_Flag == 1) // The line starts with a number firstDataLine = lineNum String junk sscanf text, "%[^\t ,]", junk // Deposit all characters other than tab, space, or comma into junk int len = strlen(junk) delimiter = text[len] break endif lineNum += 1 while(1) Close refNum return 0 End // LoadECLabDataFile(pathName, filePath) // Automatically determines the name line, first data line, and delimiter, // and then calls LoadECLabDataFile2. // It is assumed that the first line that starts with a valid number is the first // data line and that the line before the first data line is the name line. Function LoadECLabDataFile(pathName, filePath) String pathName // Name of an Igor symbolic path or "" String filePath // Name of file or full path to file // First get a valid reference to a file Variable result = GetFileToLoad(pathName, filePath) if (result != 0) return result // User cancelled Open File dialog endif Variable nameLine = 0 // Zero-based line number of names line Variable firstDataLine = 0 // Zero-based line number of first data line String delimiter = "" // Delimiter between names and numbers, typically "," or "\t" (tab) result = FindFirstDataLineAndDelimiter(pathName, filePath, firstDataLine, delimiter) if (result != 0) return result // Should not happen if this is a valid EC-Lab file endif nameLine = firstDataLine - 1 // For debugging only // Printf "Name line = %d, first data line = %d, delimiter = %d\r", nameLine, firstDataLine, char2num(delimiter) String columnInfoStr = GenerateColumnInfoStr(pathName, filePath, nameLine, delimiter) // Print columnInfoStr LoadWave/J/Q/L={nameLine,firstDataLine,0,0,0}/A/B=columnInfoStr/E=1/P=$pathName filePath return 0 End



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This procedure illustrates how to clean up wave names and prevent duplicate names when loading a file, such as the EC-Labs data file from Bio-Logic, that uses characters that are not legal in standard Igor names.
See the comments in the procedures above for details.
October 8, 2019 at 07:03 am - Permalink
The version committed today automatically skips header lines.
In this version, the LoadECLabDataFile function takes only two parameters: pathName and filePath. It automatically determines nameLine, firstDataLine, and delimiter based on two assumptions: that the first line which starts with a valid number is the firstDataLine and that the nameLine is the line before the firstDataLine.
The procedures include a LoadECLabDataFile2 function which is the same as the old LoadECLabDataFile function and takes five parameters: pathName, filePath, nameLine, firstDataLine, delimiter. LoadECLabDataFile2 is for use only if LoadECLabDataFile does not automatically find the correct nameLine, firstDataLine, and delimiter parameters.
October 17, 2019 at 07:51 am - Permalink
I would like to used EC-lab macro for opening my EC-lab data. But unfortunately due to the error of "int" command in the following line I couldn't compile the macro
int len = strlen(junk)
could you please tell me how can I manage this error?
July 1, 2020 at 10:28 am - Permalink
The "int" declaration was added in Igor version 7. What version are you using?
July 1, 2020 at 01:05 pm - Permalink
thanks for reply. I am using version 6.3. How can I replace "int" in Igor version 6.3?
July 3, 2020 at 05:12 am - Permalink