Skip certain block in LoadWave command

I have a general text data with several data blocks, containing a few columns in each block. Is there method that I can skip an entire block in LoadWave command?
I cannot specify the index and the number of columns to skip because the number of columns in each block changes from one file to another.



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I don't think you can tweak the number of columns on a per-block basis. Do you have fixed line ranges of the blocks to load? If yes you could use one LoadWave command for each block and pass separate column ranges for it.
August 29, 2019 at 04:49 am - Permalink
>Is there method that I can skip an entire block in LoadWave command?
One solution is to load everything and then delete what you don't want.
Another is to programmatically examine the files to determine which lines you want to load and then call LoadWave multiple times. This example may provide a starting point.
August 29, 2019 at 04:49 am - Permalink
Thanks for the all comments. I have solved this issue by loading blocks as matrix and then delete the unnecessary blocks, using LoadWave commands with general text flag.
Then, I could decompose the blocks into columns and save as 1D waves.
August 29, 2019 at 04:59 pm - Permalink
That's a good solution.
August 29, 2019 at 06:14 pm - Permalink