Trouble with soundloadwave

Hi Guys
I have a little bit trouble with some data stored as an audio wave (quite low frequencies). It is loaded as a text (sic) wave into Igor and I cannot see any data in it.
•soundloadwave /I Fail FILE:6K.wav;FORMAT:audio/pcm;CHANNELS:2;BITS:24;SAMPLES:2357460;RATE:6000; •print waveinfo(Fail,0) NUMTYPE:0;DUNITS:;XUNITS:;MODIFIED:1;FULLSCALE:0,0,0;MODTIME:3647857807;PATH:;LOCK:0;HGETSTATE:0;SIZEINBYTES:37719760; •print igorversion() 7.08
Another file sampled at 48kHz also fails to load although the properties returned by soundloadwave are correct. Both files can be played with VLC media player (nothing to hear in it, but the 'spectrum' visualization looks correct)
Any help appreciated



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I loaded this file successfully into Igor 7.09.1 on Windows and Igor 7.08 on Mac.
August 6, 2019 at 02:40 pm - Permalink
Thank you for testing, Jim.
Is IP 7.09.1 actually available for 'everyone'? I checked for updates within IP (Help -> Updates for IP: 'No Updates') before posting and now I could not find IP 7.09 on https://www.wavemetrics.net/previous7.html either.
August 7, 2019 at 11:41 am - Permalink
It is a Nightly Build. The release update does have the bug you encountered.
Igor 8 does not have the bug.
August 7, 2019 at 01:31 pm - Permalink
The nightly build did it.
Thanks a lot!
August 7, 2019 at 01:50 pm - Permalink