Print Data Listing

Prints a listing of data folders and waves and their sizes to the history area.
Menu "Macros" "Print Data Listing", PrintDataListing(root:, 0, 0, 1) End // PrintDataListing(dfr, minWaveNumBytes, level, recurse) // // Prints a listing of data folders and waves and their sizes to the history area. // Numeric and string variables are ignored. // // NOTE: In a very large experiment, this can take a long time. // // Example: // PrintDataListing(root:, 0, 0, 1) // Print all waves in root and all sub-data folders // // Waves that consume fewer than minWaveNumBytes are skipped. For example, to list only // waves containing 10 million bytes or more, pass 10E6 for minWaveNumBytes. Function PrintDataListing(dfr, minWaveNumBytes, level, recurse) DFREF dfr Variable minWaveNumBytes // Waves with fewer bytes are skipped Variable level Variable recurse String indentation = "" Variable i for(i=0; i<level; i+=1) indentation += " " endfor String dfPath = GetDataFolder(1, dfr) String dfName = GetDataFolder(0, dfr) String listing = "" String temp Variable numBytesForAllWavesInDF = 0 Variable index = 0 do Wave/Z w = WaveRefIndexedDFR(dfr, index) if (!WaveExists(w)) break endif String path = GetWavesDataFolder(w, 2) String info = WaveInfo(w,0) Variable numBytes = NumberByKey("SIZEINBYTES", info) if (numBytes >= minWaveNumBytes) sprintf temp, "%s %s, wave bytes=%d\r", indentation, path, numBytes listing += temp numBytesForAllWavesInDF += numBytes endif index += 1 while(1) sprintf temp, "%sData Folder: %s, data folder bytes=%d\r", indentation, dfPath, numBytesForAllWavesInDF listing = temp + listing Printf "%s", listing if (recurse) Variable numChildDataFolders = CountObjectsDFR(dfr, 4) for(i=0; i<numChildDataFolders; i+=1) String childDFName = GetIndexedObjNameDFR(dfr, 4, i) DFREF childDFR = dfr:$childDFName level += 1 PrintDataListing(childDFR, minWaveNumBytes, level, 1) endfor endif End



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