Frequency Scale in Wavelet Transform
Dear All,
I am trying to apply continuous wavelet transform to sound data but the periods on y-axis are way off from those resulting from FFT.
I tried to use CWT demo but the problem still existed.
In the attachment, SigL wave is the data to be CWTed. Signal is the original sound file.
Any suggestions?
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Have you used the /FSCL flag?
I don't think that the mapping between the CWT and frequency analysis via the FFT is very rigorous so some caution is advised.
July 18, 2019 at 08:19 am - Permalink
In reply to Have you used the /FSCL flag… by Igor
The flag (/FSCL) has been used. The results were still different. As you said, I should take caution working on CWT. Do you have a proper way to perform the mapping task?
July 23, 2019 at 09:44 pm - Permalink
The reason that I feel uncomfortable with this mapping is that IMO it is completely inappropriate. The conventional notion of frequency applies to periodic basis functions such as sines and cosines. The CWT wavelets do not represent pure frequencies so while I added support for the scaling factor to match its use in the literature, I don't think it is appropriate to display the vertical axis in units of e.g., Hz. In reality, the vertical axis represents wavelet scale. If exact frequency representation is important to you I recommend using the STFT or the WignerTransform.
July 24, 2019 at 12:04 pm - Permalink
In reply to The flag (/FSCL) has been… by dsorasak
Dear Sorasak Danworaphong
I have experienced some problems about CWT operation command.
One of them is that deltax of source wave should be 1 when use FFT method (/M=0).
All of my experience are described in following article.
July 25, 2019 at 11:30 pm - Permalink
Dear Sorasak Danworaphong
Because frequency is reciprocal to scale parameter and y-axis of M_CWT is related to the scale, /SMP2=4 and display it by log-axis is suitable.
See the attachment file which was calculated from your file using following macro codes.
In order to decrease the file size some waves and objects are deleted.
Wave wSrc, wOut
Variable vIdx, vM, WPR1, vScl, vCmplx, OUT
Variable vSize = numpnts(wSrc), StX = pnt2x(wSrc, 0), DtX = deltax(wSrc)
String sUnit = WaveUnits(wSrc, 0), WBI1 = StringFromList(vCmplx, "Morlet;MorletC")
Make /O/N=(vSize,1) M_CWT
Variable V_flag
if ((vM == 0) && (DtX != 1)) // In FFT method, deltax(wSrc) should be 1.
SetScale/P x 0, 1, sUnit, wSrc // This code does not executed here in fact.
CWT /M=(vM)/WBI1={$WBI1}/WPR1=(WPR1)/R2={vScl, 1, 1 }/OUT=(OUT) wSrc
if (vM == 0) // FFT
FastOP M_CWT = (1/(2^ceil(ln(vSize)/ln(2)))) * M_CWT // M_CWT with FFT method will be large almost proportional to numpnts.
else // Direct
FastOP M_CWT = (sqrt(2*pi)/pi^.25) * M_CWT // M_CWT with direct method should be devided with pi^(1/4) instead of sqrt(2 pi).
wOut[][vIdx] = M_CWT[p]
KillWaves/Z M_CWT
Wave/Z M_CWT = $""
Return V_flag
// CWT is defined as the convolution formula at each scale.
ThreadSafe Static Function TSCwtDefMorlet(wSrc, wOut, vIdx, OUT, WPR1, vScl, vCmplx, vPrec)
Wave wSrc, wOut
Variable vIdx, OUT, WPR1, vScl, vCmplx, vPrec
if (vPrec == 0)
vPrec = 1e-4
Variable vWid = ceil(sqrt(-2*ln(vPrec)))
Variable vNum = ceil(vScl*vWid)
String sTmp = NameOfWave(wSrc) + "MCWT" + num2str(round(vScl*100))
Duplicate/O wSrc, $sTmp
// Wavelet with scale of vScl will be prepared as a wave of $sCoef.
Variable vA = 1/(pi^.25)/sqrt(vScl), vB = -.5/vScl^2, vC = WPR1/vScl
String sCoef = NameOfWave(wSrc) + "Coef" + num2str(round(vScl*100))
if (vCmplx == 1)
Make/O/C/N=(vNum * 2 + 1) $sCoef
Wave/C wCoefC = $sCoef
SetScale /P x (-vNum), 1, "", wCoefC
wCoefC = vA * exp(vB*x^2)*cmplx(cos(vC*x), sin(vC*x))
Redimension /C $sTmp
Wave/C M_CWTI = $sTmp
Convolve wCoefC, M_CWTI
if (OUT == 4)
M_CWTI = r2polar(M_CWTI)
Redimension /R M_CWTI
Wave/C/Z M_CWTI = $""
Wave M_CWT = $sTmp
Make/O/N=(vNum * 2 + 1) $sCoef
Wave wCoef = $sCoef
SetScale /P x (-vNum), 1, "", wCoef
wCoef = vA * exp(vB*x^2)*cos(vC*x)
Wave M_CWT = $sTmp
Convolve wCoef, M_CWT
wOut[][vIdx] = M_CWT[p+vNum]
KillWaves/Z wCoef, wCoefC, M_CWT
Wave/Z M_CWT = $""
Wave/Z wCoef = $""
Return vNum
ThreadSafe Static Function TSCwtCMorlet(wSrc, wOut, vIdx, vM, WPR1, vScl, vCmplx)
Wave wSrc
Wave/C wOut
Variable vIdx, vM, WPR1, vScl, vCmplx
Variable vSize = numpnts(wSrc), StX = pnt2x(wSrc, 0), DtX = deltax(wSrc)
String sUnit = WaveUnits(wSrc, 0), WBI1 = StringFromList(vCmplx, "Morlet;MorletC")
Make /C/O/N=(vSize,1) M_CWT
Variable V_flag
CWT /M=(vM)/WBI1={$WBI1}/WPR1=(WPR1)/R2={vScl, 1, 1 }/OUT=1 wSrc
if (vM == 0) // FFT
FastOP/C M_CWT = (cmplx(1/(2^ceil(ln(vSize)/ln(2))),0)) * M_CWT
else // Direct
FastOP/C M_CWT = (cmplx(sqrt(2*pi)/pi^.25,0)) * M_CWT
wOut[][vIdx] = M_CWT[p]
KillWaves/Z M_CWT
Wave/C/Z M_CWT = $""
Return V_flag
ThreadSafe Static Function TSCwtDefCMorlet(wSrc, wOut, vIdx, WPR1, vScl, vCmplx, vPrec)
Wave wSrc
Wave/C wOut
Variable vIdx, WPR1, vScl, vCmplx, vPrec
if (vPrec == 0)
vPrec = 1e-4
Variable vWid = ceil(sqrt(-2*ln(vPrec)))
Variable vNum = ceil(vScl*vWid)
String sTmp = NameOfWave(wSrc) + "MCWT" + num2str(round(vScl*100))
Duplicate/O wSrc, $sTmp
Variable vA = 1/(pi^.25)/sqrt(vScl), vB = -.5/vScl^2, vC = WPR1/vScl
String sCoef = NameOfWave(wSrc) + "Coef" + num2str(round(vScl*100))
Make/O/C/N=(vNum * 2 + 1) $sCoef
Wave/C wCoefC = $sCoef
SetScale /P x (-vNum), 1, "", wCoefC
if (vCmplx == 1)
wCoefC = vA * exp(vB*x^2)*cmplx(cos(vC*x), sin(vC*x))
wCoefC = vA * exp(vB*x^2)*cmplx(cos(vC*x), 0)
Redimension /C $sTmp
Wave/C M_CWTI = $sTmp
Convolve wCoefC, M_CWTI
wOut[][vIdx] = M_CWTI[p+vNum]
KillWaves/Z M_CWTI, wCoefC
Wave/C/Z M_CWT = $""
Wave/C/Z wCoefC = $""
Return vNum
Function/S MTCwtMorlet(sWave, vM, vCmplx, WPR1, SMP2, startScale, scaleStepSize, numScales, OUT, sW2)
String sWave, sW2
Variable vM, vCmplx, WPR1, SMP2, startScale, scaleStepSize, numScales, OUT
Wave wSrc=$sWave
Variable vSize = numpnts(wSrc), StX = pnt2x(wSrc, 0), DtX = deltax(wSrc)
String sUnit = WaveUnits(wSrc, 0), sFW = ""
Variable vF = WPR1/(2*pi), vL = 1 / DtX
vL *= (vF+sqrt(vF^2+.5/pi^2))/2
if (SMP2 == 2)
Wave wW2=$sW2
numScales = numpnts(wW2)
sW2 = UniqueName(sWave + "Scl", 1, 0)
Make /N=(numScales + 1) $sW2
Wave wW2=$sW2
sFW = UniqueName(sWave + "YFreq", 1, 0)
Make /N=(numScales + 1) $sFW // Y wave for image plot should have DimSize(M_CWT, 1) + 1 points.
Wave wFW=$sFW
if (SMP2 == 1)
wW2 = startScale + scaleStepSize * p
scaleStepSize = 2 ^ scaleStepSize
wW2 = startScale * scaleStepSize ^ p
if (SMP2 >= 3)
wFW = wW2 / sqrt(scaleStepSize)
wFW = wW2 - .5*scaleStepSize
wFW = vL / wFW // Fourier frequency is reciprocal number of Fourier wavelength lambda.
if (!cmpstr(sUnit, "s"))
SetScale d 0,0,"Hz", wFW
Redimension /N=(numScales) $sW2
if ((vM == 0) && (DtX != 1)) // In FFT method, deltax(wSrc) should be 1
SetScale/P x 0, 1, sUnit, wSrc
String sM = StringFromList(vM, "Fft;Direct;Def")
String sOut = UniqueName(sWave + sM + "CWT", 1, 0)
if (OUT == 1)
Make /C/N=(vSize, numScales) $sOut
Wave/C wcOut=$sOut
Make /N=(vSize, numScales) $sOut
Wave wOut=$sOut
SetScale/P x StX, DtX, sUnit, $sOut
printf "%s;%sCWT,", time(), sM
Variable vIdx = 0, vScl
// Only work version 6 or later.
Variable vPC = ThreadProcessorCount
Variable i, vTGS = 0, vTGW = 100, vMT = ThreadGroupCreate(vPC)
if (vPC>1)
for(i=0; i < vPC; i+= 1)
vScl = wW2[vIdx]
printf "%d:%.2f,", vIdx, vScl
if (vM < 2)
if (OUT == 1)
ThreadStart vMT, i, TSCwtCMorlet(wSrc, wcOut, vIdx, vM, WPR1, vScl, vCmplx)
ThreadStart vMT, i, TSCwtMorlet(wSrc, wOut, vIdx, vM, WPR1, vScl, vCmplx, OUT)
if (OUT == 1)
ThreadStart vMT, i, TSCwtDefCMorlet(wSrc, wcOut, vIdx, WPR1, vScl, vCmplx, 0)
ThreadStart vMT, i, TSCwtDefMorlet(wSrc, wOut, vIdx, OUT, WPR1, vScl, vCmplx, 0)
vIdx += 1
if (vIdx >= numScales)
vTGS = ThreadGroupWait(vMT, vTGW)
while (vTGS != 0)
while (vIdx < numScales)
vTGS = ThreadGroupRelease(vMT)
// If version 5, above code should be removed.
vScl = wW2[vIdx]
printf "%d:%.2f,", vIdx, vScl
if (vM < 2)
if (OUT == 1)
TSCwtCMorlet(wSrc, wcOut, vIdx, vM, WPR1, vScl, vCmplx)
TSCwtMorlet(wSrc, wOut, vIdx, vM, WPR1, vScl, vCmplx, OUT)
if (OUT == 1)
TSCwtDefCMorlet(wSrc, wcOut, vIdx, WPR1, vScl, vCmplx, 0)
TSCwtDefMorlet(wSrc, wOut, vIdx, OUT, WPR1, vScl, vCmplx, 0)
vIdx += 1
while (vIdx < numScales)
endif // If version 5, this line should be removed.
if ((vM == 0) && (DtX != 1)) // When FFT method and deltax(wSrc) was not 1, x scaling should be restored.
SetScale/P x StX, DtX, sUnit, wSrc
print time()
Return sOut + ";" + sW2 + ";" + sFW
Macro CwtTest(sWave, vCmplx, WPR1, SMP2, startScale, scaleStepSize, numScales, vOUT)
String sWave
Variable vCmplx, WPR1=2*pi, SMP2=2, startScale=2, scaleStepSize=.5, numScales=12, vOUT=3
Prompt sWave, "source wave", popup, WaveList("*", ";", "DIMS:1")
Prompt vCmplx, "Select mother wavelet", popup, "MorletC;Morlet"
Prompt WPR1, "Angular frequency OMEGA"
Prompt SMP2, "Scaling method", popup, "Linear;Power of 2"
Prompt startScale, "Start scale"
Prompt scaleStepSize, "Scale step size"
Prompt numScales, "Number of scales"
Prompt vOUT, "Output format", popup, "complex;real part;magnitude"
vCmplx = (vCmplx==1)
SMP2 = SMP2 == 1 ? 1:4
vOUT = 2^(vOUT-1)
Variable vM = 0
String sOut=MTCwtMorlet(sWave, vM, vCmplx, WPR1, SMP2, startScale, scaleStepSize, numScales, vOUT, "")
String sW2=StringFromList(1, sOut)
vM += 1
MTCwtMorlet(sWave, vM, vCmplx, WPR1, 2, startScale, scaleStepSize, numScales, vOUT, sW2)
while (vM < 2)
July 29, 2019 at 01:14 am - Permalink