Polar averaging and errors

Ben Murphy-Baum
Averaging waves with polar data (list of angles) will give incorrect results in many cases (see image below). This function does a vector summation of X and Y components to determine the average angle, the standard deviation, or the standard error.
Function polarAvgErr(inWave,opStr,degrad) Wave inWave //single wave with list of angles //opStr = "avg", "sdev", or "sem" //degrad = "deg" or "rad" depending on the input data type String opStr,degrad Variable i,size,avgX,avgY,avg,sdev,sem,errX,errY,value,multiplier size = DimSize(inWave,0) Make/FREE/N=(size) xTotal,yTotal //input is degrees or radians strswitch(degrad) case "deg": xTotal = cos(inWave * pi/180) yTotal = sin(inWave * pi/180) multiplier = 180/pi break case "rad": xTotal = cos(inWave) yTotal = sin(inWave) multiplier = 1 break endswitch //polar average avgX = mean(xTotal) avgY = mean(yTotal) avg = atan2(avgY,avgX)*multiplier If(avg < 0) avg += 360 EndIf //polar standard deviation For(i=0;i<size;i+=1) errX += (xTotal[i] - avgX)^2/(size-1) errY += (yTotal[i] - avgY)^2/(size-1) EndFor errX = sqrt(errX) errY = sqrt(errY) sdev = atan2(errY,errX)*multiplier //polar standard error of the mean sem = sdev/sqrt(size) //select return parameter strswitch(opStr) case "avg": value = avg break case "sdev": value = sdev break case "sem": value = sem break endswitch return value End



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You may want to look at StatsCircularMoments as it may save you some coding.
December 5, 2018 at 12:20 pm - Permalink
In reply to You may want to look at… by Igor
ahh, thank you - there's always a new function to discover...
December 5, 2018 at 12:24 pm - Permalink
I find the description and polar plots a little confusing. You imply that the only input is a 1-D wave of polar angles (or you use only the angular part of a {theta, r} wave), but the data set has multiple 'r' values. Are you selecting a constant-r set of values from your presented data?
Another approach for full 2-D (x,y) or (r,theta)-->(x,y) data might be to first perform a linear ODR fit to an (x,y) line constrained to pass through the origin to find the best-fit average angle. Then find the difference angle for each point to get the set of d_theta's for the standard deviation calculation. I note that StatsCircularMoments seems to apply only to 1-D data at a fixed radius.
December 6, 2018 at 08:25 am - Permalink