Tag each point of a trace

Function TagAllPoints(graphName, traceName, tagTextWave) String graphName // "" for top graph String traceName // Name of graph trace to be tagged. Wave/T tagTextWave if (strlen(graphName) == 0) graphName = WinName(0, 1) endif if (strlen(graphName) == 0) Abort "There are no graphs" endif Wave w = TraceNameToWaveRef("", traceName) Variable n = numpnts(w) Variable i for(i=0; i<n; i+=1) String text = tagTextWave[i] Variable xval = pnt2x(w, i) String name = "tag" + num2istr(i) Tag/C/N=$name/W=$graphName/F=0/L=1 $traceName, xval, text endfor End Function RemoveAllTags(graphName, traceName) String graphName // "" for top graph String traceName // Name of graph trace to be tagged. if (strlen(graphName) == 0) graphName = WinName(0, 1) endif if (strlen(graphName) == 0) Abort "There are no graphs" endif String list = AnnotationList(graphName) Variable numItems = ItemsInList(list) Variable i for(i=0; i<numItems; i+=1) String name = StringFromList(i, list) String info = AnnotationInfo(graphName, name) String typeStr = StringByKey("TYPE", info) if (CmpStr(typeStr,"Tag") != 0) continue endif String tagTraceName = StringByKey("YWAVE", info) // "YWAVE" is a misnomer - it is really a trace name if (CmpStr(tagTraceName,traceName) != 0) continue endif Tag/K/N=$name // Remove the tag endfor End



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