Simulated and experimental images of deactivating Sb clusters. The image intensity increases from black to red to yellow. Simulated images are shown on the left; a, DP2; b, DP2 viewed in a different projection; c, DP4; and d, Sb3V. Selected experimental matches to simulated images are shown on the right. We note that (1) a Sb2V projection also exists, similar to a; (2) projections of Sb2V, and of Sb3V with two Sb atoms in one column, each have images similar to b; (3) a Sb4V projection with one doubly occupied column is similar to d; and (4) projections exist for DP2, Sb2V, and DP4 with two Sb atoms in one column. Simulated images are based on structural models. Experimental images have been low-pass filtered to reduce noise and have had additional pixels added by interpolation (there were originally 12 pixels per column).
NATURE,VOL 416,25 APRIL2002,p826
Submitted by
Paul Voyles
Assistant Professor
Materials Science and Engineering Department
University of Wisconsin - Madison



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