MatrixFileReader XOP

The MatrixFileReader XOP enables Igor Pro to read data acquired with the MATRIX Data acquisition system developed by Scienta Omicron. The files are not interpreted directly, rather they are accessed through libraries from the Vernissage Toolkit by the same company.
Main Features
- Very fast wave creation from a broad range of SPM/STS data types
- Meta data conservation for a proper measurement documentation
- No detour via the flat file format required
- Check for recently acquired bricklets in the result file
- Extensive documentation inside Igor
- Works with data from all MATRIX versions
- Possibility to access the raw untransformed data, therefore compatible with all matrix data types
- The complete source code is available under a FLOSS license (LGPLv3 or later) for maximum flexibility and openness
Supported data acquisition modes (thoroughly tested)
- Topography (Z and I)
- Single Point Spectroscopy (Z and I)
- Grid Spectroscopy (Z, I and varied-Z)
- All Aux, Aux(V) channels
System Requirements
- Windows 10
- Igor Pro 8.00 or later
- Vernissage Toolkit 2.4 (32-bit and 64-bit)
- Install Igor Pro 8.00 or later
- Install Vernissage 2.4 from the CD or USB stick accompanying your STM. If possible install the 64bit version
- Install vcredist_x86.exe/vcredist_x64.exe (Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package x86) shipped with the XOP
- Copy "matrixfilereader.xop" to "My Documents\WaveMetrics\Igor Pro 8 User Files\Igor extensions"
- Copy "matrixfilereader-64.xop" to "My Documents\WaveMetrics\Igor Pro 8 User Files\Igor extensions (64-bit)"
- Copy "matrixfilereader Help.ihf" to "My Documents\WaveMetrics\Igor Pro 8 User Files\Igor Help files"
- Start Igor with the correct bitness. If you installed the 64bit version of Vernissage then "Igor (64bit)" otherwise "Igor (32bit)"
- Load the experiment matrixfilereader-basic-gui.pxp which includes a basic GUI for easy access to the XOP operations
- Enjoy!
More Testing and Data required
- AFM data
- Electron Spectroscopy data
- ...
In case you can help with data/patches/ideas please contact: matrixfilereader (at) byte-physics (dot) de.
Project Details
Project Homepage: | View Homepage |
Current Project Release
Release File: | matrixFileReaderXOP-v0.27.zip (13.27 MB) |
Version: | IGOR.8.00.x-0.27 |
Version Date: | |
Version Major: | 0 |
Version Patch Level: | 27 |
OS Compatibility: | Windows |
Release Notes: |
Prevent bugging out on too small datasets when trying to pixelate them. We now enforce a minimum number of data points. And if it then even fails, we just return the non-resampled bricklet. |



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