Function multithreading with Multithread keyword

function getResults(input) wave input // Some input wave. make /free/wave/n=100 myWaves // Wave reference waves to temporarily hold the results of your analysis make /free/t/n=100 args=num2str(x+1) // List of parameters to search, in this case a simple list of numbers from 1 through 100. multithread myWaves=myFunc(input,args[p]) // Fill the wave reference wave with references to the results of the analysis, which are computed in this line. wave oneResult=myWaves[0] // The first result. make /o/n=(numpnts(oneResult),numpnts(myWaves)) myResults // Make the results matrix to have dimensionality equal to the length of a results wave (rows) by the number of result waves (columns). make /free/n=(numpnts(myWaves)) dummy // Only exists to force columns to be assigned to matrix 'myResults' in a multithreaded fashion. multithread dummy=setColumn(myResults,myWaves[p],p) // Now set the columns of 'myResults' with the results computed and stored in the waves referred to be 'myResults'. end // Your function to be executed in parallel, for example performing analysis for all of the different values contained in the original 'args' wave. threadsafe function /wave myFunc(w,args) wave w string args // An argument list specific to one function call, for example one parameter value in a parameter search. // Add Some code that fills a wave 'result' with the results of the analysis. It might be dependent on the input 'w' and the thread-dependent arguments in 'args'. In this case I ignore 'w' for simplicity. make /free/n=1000 result=gnoise(str2num(args)) return result end // Reusable function to set the column of a matrix 'M' to the values in wave 'source'. I use this in all implementations of this method. threadsafe function setColumn(M,source,col) wave M,source variable col imagetransform /D=source /G=(col) putCol M end



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