Return Input Number to Arbitrary Precision

Function ChangePrecision(vNum, vPrecision, vPreserveSign) Variable vNum //input number to operate on Variable vPrecision //output precision (number of decimal places) Variable vPreserveSign //1 == retain sign of input Variable vReturn Variable vExponent Variable vMantissa Variable vPwr Variable vSign //this will cause an error with the log fcn if(vNum == 0) return 0 endif //precision less than 0 makes no sense if(vPrecision < 0) return vNum endif //store sign of input and ensure input is positive vSign = sign(vNum) vNum = abs(vNum) //get mantissa of number vExponent = floor(log(vNum)) vPwr = (1 *10^vExponent) vMantissa = vNum / vPwr //change mantissa to desired precision vMantissa = (round(vMantissa * 10^vPrecision)) / 10^vPrecision vReturn = (vMantissa) * vPwr //if requested, change to original sign if(vPreserveSign == 1) vReturn *= vSign endif // Print log(vNum),vExponent, vmantissa, vPwr, vSign return vReturn End Function ArbPrec(vNum, vPrecision, vPreserveSign) Variable vNum //input number to operate on Variable vPrecision //output precision (number of decimal places) Variable vPreserveSign //1 == retain sign of input Variable vSign Variable vOutput String sNum //precision less than 0 makes no sense if(vPrecision < 0) return vNum endif //store sign of input and ensure input is positive vSign = sign(vNum) vNum *= vSign //same as abs(vNum) //change to desired precision APMath/N=(vPrecision) sNum = vNum vOutput = str2num(sNum) //if requested, change to original sign if(vPreserveSign == 1) vOutput *= vSign endif return vOutput end



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