IR File Loaders

IR File Loaders is a package of Igor procedures that read many of the binary file formats that are produced by commercial FTIRs. The best tested of these are the Nicolet file readers. You also need the file New jdx loader.ipf, which is included in the zipped file. Place both the unzipped .ipf files in your User Procedures directory.

Despite what it says there is a new release with a bug fix as of February, 20, 2011. Click on the View all releases link below.

Project Details

Current Project Release

IR File Loaders IGOR.5.00.x-2.2-2-PPC

Release File: IR File loaders (11.65 KB)
Version: IGOR.5.00.x-2.2-2-PPC
Version Date:
Version Major: 2
Version Extra: 2-PPC
Version Patch Level: 2
Release Notes: Bug Fix for IR File Loaders 2.2.1-PPC
-corrects a 1 point offset in some types of loaded files.
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