Igor device drivers available

I wrote these for the instruments we have so no guarantees that they work with yours, even if they are the same make. Also, some of these are more modern than others and have cleaner code, and a few date to graduate school and Igor 2.x. Documentation is limited...
Cole-Parmer MasterFlex 7550 pumps
MKS flow controllers
Neslab temperature controllers
Vici Valco valve actuators
Vici 150 Dynacalibrator ovens
Berkeley Nucleonics 555 signal generator
Keithley 237 source/measure unit (this is old and crufty)
Molectron (now Coherent) Opti-mum 4001 Joulemeter/ratiometer
Molectro (now Coherent) EPM2000 Joulemeter/powermeter
ThorLabs FW102 5-position filter wheel
Uniblitz D122 shutter driver
Lambda-Physik LPX-200 (and Optex) laser
Lambda-Physik F1020 laser
Coherent Cube lasers
Access Inc tunable CO2 laser
Newport SMC100 motion controllers
Newport PM500 motion controllers
Newport MM4006 motion controllers
Compumotor K6 motion controllers
Compumotor SX motion controllers
Compumotor AX motion controllers
Delta Tau PMAC motion coltrollers
Pi linear motion controllers (or some subset thereof)
MicroKinetics CTC-283 motion controller
Heidenhain encoders with ND2221B display unit
Lion Precision DMT12 capacitive distance sensor (including "the cap")
Canon dSLRs (Windows XOP, may require Canon SDK)
Epix Inc. camera link image capture boards (Windows XOP, may require Epix XCLIB SDK)
Princetion Instruments MegaPlus cameras (goes with the Epix capture boards above)
Some rudimentary functions for generating simple CIF code
Some functions for loading a subset of SPC spectrum files
Some functions for having two computers running Igor talk over a serial line



Igor Pro 9
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Igor XOP Toolkit
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Igor NIDAQ Tools MX
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I would be interessted in your Newport SMC100 motion controller.
February 12, 2014 at 11:18 pm - Permalink