Formatted value-error string

ValueErrorString(value, error, [delta, format, expformat, nonmetric])
returns a formatted value-error string terminating with a metric prefix. The intended use is with "dimensioned" quantities, see the examples. Examples:
•print ValueErrorString(12.34e-5, 1.11e-5) + "V" 0.12(1) mV •print ValueErrorString(12.34e-5, 1.11e-5, delta=1e-6, format="v(±e)") + "F" 123(±11)µF •print ValueErrorString(12.34e-5, 1.11e-5, delta=1e-7, format="(v ± e) ") + "T" (123.4 ± 11.1) µT
The optional parameters make this function quite versatile. They are explained in detail in the code.
W. Harneit
// function/S ValueErrorString(value, error, [delta, format, expformat, nonmetric]) // returns a formatted value-error string terminating with a metric prefix // intended use is with properly "dimensioned" quantities, see examples // // Examples: // •print ValueErrorString(12.34e-5, 1.11e-5) + "V" // 0.12(1) mV // •print ValueErrorString(12.34e-5, 1.11e-5, delta=1e-6, format="v(±e)") + "F" // 123(±11)µF // •print ValueErrorString(12.34e-5, 1.11e-5, delta=1e-7, format="(v ± e) ") + "T" // (123.4 ± 11.1) µT // // Required parameters: // variable value, error // // Optional parameters: // variable delta (default: delta = error) -- the smallest distinguishable increment // this influences how many significant digits will be returned in the output (see examples) // string format (default: "v(e) ") -- format of value and error // "v" and "e" (must be small letters) are placeholders for value and error // if "v" is missing, output will start with value, followed by the rest of whatever you pass for format // if "e" is missing, "(±e) " will be appended next, then the exponential prefix (see below) // thus, if you say format = " ", you'll get the format "v (±e) " // spaces and brackets are allowed and will appear in the output as expected // string expformat (default: "x 10\S%d\M ") -- format of exponential prefix if not metric // normally, a metric prefix is appended as appropriate (e.g., "µ" for 10^(-6)) // the prefix is chosen such that no trailing zeroes occur in most cases (see examples) // if the value is outside of the range of WM prefixes "TGMk.mµnpf", the prefix is a number. // the default "x 10\S%d\M " is useful for Annotations etc. with formatted text // the prefix value is then floor(log(abs(value))) (i.e., 20 for value=3.45e20) // if you override the default, use %d or %+d as a placeholder for the exponent // "E%d" will give E20 or E-20 if the exponent is +20 or -20. // "E%+d" will give E+20 or E-20 if the exponent is +20 or -20. // variable nonmetric (default = 0) -- set to non-zero value to suppress metric prefixes // function/S ValueErrorString(value, error, [delta, format, expformat, nonmetric]) variable value, error, delta string format, expformat variable nonmetric // set defaults for possibly missing parameters if( ParamIsDefault(delta) ) delta = error endif if( ParamIsDefault(format) ) format = "v(e) " endif if( ParamIsDefault(expformat) ) expformat = "x 10\S%d\M " endif if( ParamIsDefault(nonmetric) ) nonmetric = 0 endif // calculate and preformat exponent variable prec = floor(log(abs(delta))), eng = ceil(prec/3), digits string pref, result if( nonmetric || (eng < -5) || (eng > 4) ) variable prec1 = floor(log(abs(value))) // added to give normal form n.nnn(nn) Enn sprintf pref, expformat, prec1 eng = prec1 / 3 digits = prec1 - prec else pref = "fpnµm.kMGT"[5+eng] if( !cmpstr(pref, ".") ) pref = "" endif digits = 3*eng - prec endif value *= 10^(-3*eng) error *= 10^(-3*eng) string digstr = num2istr(digits) // parse format, set defaults if( strsearch(format, "v", 0) < 0 ) format = "v" + format endif if( strsearch(format, "e", 0) < 0 ) format += "(±e) " endif // print value format = ReplaceString("v", format, "%."+digstr+"f") // case 1: error is non-zero (full format) if( error != 0 ) if( strsearch(format, "±", 0) < 0 ) // special error format, zap zeros format = ReplaceString("e", format, "@%."+digstr+"f@") // mark error value with "@" else format = ReplaceString("e", format, "%."+digstr+"f") endif format += "%s" // print whole string sprintf result, format, value, error, pref // treat special error format: zap leading zeros, including possible decimal point variable errpos = strsearch(result, "@", 0), nextchar if( errpos >= 0 ) do errpos += 1 nextchar = char2num(result[errpos]) if( (nextchar == 64) || (errpos > strlen(result)) ) // "@" = 64 marks the end break endif // replace 0 or . from front with @ until something else is encountered if( (nextchar == 46) || (nextchar == 48) ) result[errpos, errpos] = "@" else break endif while( 1 ) result = ReplaceString("@", result, "") // zap all "@" result = ReplaceString("()", result, "") // zap brackets if they are empty endif // case 2: error is zero (abbreviated format) else // remove all elements pertaining to error format = ReplaceString(" e", format, "") // try removing "e" placeholder with leading space format = ReplaceString("e", format, "") // remove "e" place holder anyway format = ReplaceString(" ±", format, "") // try removing "±" with leading space format = ReplaceString("±", format, "") // remove "±" anyway format = ReplaceString("(", format, "") // remove brackets format = ReplaceString(")", format, "") format += "%s" // print whole string sprintf result, format, value, pref endif return result end



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