Scale all images in a window to the same "z" scale.

function scaleAllImages(low,high[,colors]) variable low,high string colors colors=selectstring(paramisdefault(colors),colors,"Grays") variable i for(i=0;i<itemsinlist(imagenamelist("",";"));i+=1) modifyimage $"''#"+num2str(i) ctab={low,high,$colors,0} endfor end
Note that the part following the $ sign is double quote, single quote, single quote, pound, double quote. The single quote, single quote, pound part is analogous to the use or brackets in ModifyGraph to identify the Nth trace on a normal graph. To avoid that confusion, you can also just use:
function scaleAllImages(low,high[,colors]) variable low,high string colors colors=selectstring(paramisdefault(colors),colors,"Grays") variable i string images=imagenamelist("",";") for(i=0;i<itemsinlist(images);i+=1) string image=stringfromlist(i,images) modifyimage $image ctab={low,high,Grays,0} endfor end



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