Find traces that intersect the graph marquee
#include <Graph Utility Procs>
// Make a list of all traces that have points that fall within the marquee
Function/S ListTracesInMarquee(graphname)
String graphname
String tlist = TraceNameList(graphname, ";", 1)
Variable ntraces = ItemsInList(tlist)
Make/O/D/N=4/FREE marqueeX, marqueeY
GetMarquee/W=$graphname left, bottom
marqueeY = {V_top, V_top, V_bottom, V_bottom}
MarqueeX = {V_left, V_right, V_right, V_left}
String theList = ""
Variable i
for (i = 0; i < ntraces; i += 1)
String onetrace = StringFromList(i, tlist)
Wave ywave = TraceNameToWaveRef(graphname, onetrace)
Wave/Z xwave = XWaveRefFromTrace(graphname, onetrace)
if (!WaveExists(xwave))
Duplicate/O/FREE ywave, xwave
xwave = pnt2x(ywave, p)
String offsetinfo = WMGetRECREATIONInfoByKey("offset(x)", traceinfo(graphname, onetrace, 0))
offsetinfo = offsetinfo[1, strlen(offsetinfo)-2]
Variable xoffset = str2num(stringfromlist(0, offsetinfo, ","))
Variable yoffset = str2num(stringfromlist(1, offsetinfo, ","))
marqueeY -= yoffset
marqueeX -= xoffset
FindPointsInPoly xwave, ywave, marqueeX, marqueeY
marqueeY += yoffset
marqueeX += xoffset
Wave W_inPoly
if (sum(W_inPoly) > 0)
theList += onetrace+";"
return theList
// Example of using ListTracesInMarquee: change the color of all traces that intersect the marquee
Function ColorTracesInMarquee(graphname, red, green, blue)
String graphname
Variable red, green, blue
String tlist = ListTracesInMarquee(graphname)
Variable ntraces = ItemsInList(tlist)
Variable i
for (i = 0; i < ntraces; i += 1)
String onetrace = StringFromList(i, tlist)
ModifyGraph/W=$graphname rgb($onetrace)=(red, green, blue)
// Make a list of all traces that have points that fall within the marquee
Function/S ListTracesInMarquee(graphname)
String graphname
String tlist = TraceNameList(graphname, ";", 1)
Variable ntraces = ItemsInList(tlist)
Make/O/D/N=4/FREE marqueeX, marqueeY
GetMarquee/W=$graphname left, bottom
marqueeY = {V_top, V_top, V_bottom, V_bottom}
MarqueeX = {V_left, V_right, V_right, V_left}
String theList = ""
Variable i
for (i = 0; i < ntraces; i += 1)
String onetrace = StringFromList(i, tlist)
Wave ywave = TraceNameToWaveRef(graphname, onetrace)
Wave/Z xwave = XWaveRefFromTrace(graphname, onetrace)
if (!WaveExists(xwave))
Duplicate/O/FREE ywave, xwave
xwave = pnt2x(ywave, p)
String offsetinfo = WMGetRECREATIONInfoByKey("offset(x)", traceinfo(graphname, onetrace, 0))
offsetinfo = offsetinfo[1, strlen(offsetinfo)-2]
Variable xoffset = str2num(stringfromlist(0, offsetinfo, ","))
Variable yoffset = str2num(stringfromlist(1, offsetinfo, ","))
marqueeY -= yoffset
marqueeX -= xoffset
FindPointsInPoly xwave, ywave, marqueeX, marqueeY
marqueeY += yoffset
marqueeX += xoffset
Wave W_inPoly
if (sum(W_inPoly) > 0)
theList += onetrace+";"
return theList
// Example of using ListTracesInMarquee: change the color of all traces that intersect the marquee
Function ColorTracesInMarquee(graphname, red, green, blue)
String graphname
Variable red, green, blue
String tlist = ListTracesInMarquee(graphname)
Variable ntraces = ItemsInList(tlist)
Variable i
for (i = 0; i < ntraces; i += 1)
String onetrace = StringFromList(i, tlist)
ModifyGraph/W=$graphname rgb($onetrace)=(red, green, blue)
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