Making a fitfunction multithreaded

You should note that significant speedups are only obtained when the fitfunction to be calculated takes a long time. If it is too quick then the thread overhead will kill you. Test the speedups before you use code exclusively
Function myfitfunc_wrapper(w, yy, xx) : fitfunc Wave w, yy, xx Multithread yy = myfitfunc_kernel(w, xx) End Threadsafe function myfitfunc_kernel(w, xx) Wave w variable xx //your code goes here return w[0] + sqrt(xx) * w[1] * sin(xx) * cos(x) * ln(x) End
Function myfitfunc_AAO_wrapper(w, yy, xx) : fitfunc Wave w, yy, xx variable nt = ThreadProcessorCount variable tgID = ThreadGroupCreate(nt) variable ii, startP, perT, remainingP perT = floor(dimsize(yy, 0) / nt) remainingP = dimsize(yy, 0) make/n=(nt)/free/wave theDataY, theDataX for(ii = 0 ; ii < nt ; ii+=1) if(ii < nt -1) theDataY[ii] = newfreewave(0x04, perT) theDataX[ii] = newfreewave(0x04, perT) else theDataY[ii] = newfreewave(0x04, remainingP) theDataX[ii] = newfreewave(0x04, remainingP) endif Wave yyy = theDataY[ii] Wave xxx = theDataX[ii] yyy = yy[p+startP] xxx = xx[p+startP] startP += perT remainingP -= perT ThreadStart tgID, ii, myfitfunc_AAO_kernel(w, theDataY[ii], theDataX[ii]) WaveClear yyy, xxx endfor variable finished = ThreadGroupWait(tgID, inf) finished = threadgrouprelease(tgID) //now copy back into structure wave startP = 0 perT = floor(dimsize(yy, 0) / nt) remainingP = dimsize(yy, 0) for(ii = 0 ; ii < nt ; ii+=1) Wave yyy = theDataY[ii] yy[startP, startP+numpnts(yyy)] = yyy[p-startP] Waveclear yyy startP += perT remainingP -= perT endfor End Threadsafe function myfitfunc_AAO_kernel(w, yy, xx) Wave w, yy, xx //your code goes here yy = w[0] + w[1] * sqrt(xx) * sin(xx) * cos(x) * ln(x) End
-OR- if you wanted to do a structure fit
Structure fitfuncStruct Wave w wave y wave x[50] int16 numVarMD wave ffsWaves[50] wave ffsTextWaves[10] variable ffsvar[5] string ffsstr[5] nvar ffsnvars[5] svar ffssvars[5] funcref allatoncefitfunction ffsfuncrefs[10] uint32 ffsversion // Structure version. EndStructure Threadsafe Function allatoncefitfunction(w,y,x) Wave w,y,x //you need this to act as a signature for the fitfuncStruct //it needs to be threadsafe End Threadsafe function myfitfunc_AAO_kernel(w, yy, xx) Wave w, yy, xx //your code goes here yy = w[0] + w[1] * sqrt(xx) * sin(xx) * cos(x) * ln(x) End Function myfitfunc_AAO_wrapper(s) : fitfunc Struct fitfuncStruct &s //work out how many points per thread variable nt = ThreadProcessorCount variable tgID = ThreadGroupCreate(nt) variable ii, startP, perT, remainingP, finished perT = floor(dimsize(s.y, 0) / nt) remainingP = dimsize(s.y, 0) //create waveref waves to hold references to the y and x waves to be distributed amongst each thread. //you could create more than y and x if your function took more arguments make/n=(nt)/free/wave theDataY, theDataX //create the coefficients wave to be sent to all the threads, as you can't pass in s.w to a thread Wave theCoefs = s.w //this is the function we are going to pass the coefficients, and y and x waves onto. //-It doesn't have to be an allatoncefitfunction it can be any function type you want (so long as it doesn't take structures). //- It needs to be threadsafe! //- the function can take as many parameters as you want, but you'll have to create a free wave for each of them (like theCoefs) to // be passed into the thread. Funcref allatoncefitfunction theFitFunction = s.ffsfuncrefs[0] for(ii = 0 ; ii < nt ; ii+=1) if(ii < nt -1) theDataY[ii] = newfreewave(0x04, perT) theDataX[ii] = newfreewave(0x04, perT) else theDataY[ii] = newfreewave(0x04, remainingP) theDataX[ii] = newfreewave(0x04, remainingP) endif Wave yyy = theDataY[ii] Wave xxx = theDataX[ii] yyy = s.y[p+startP] xxx = s.x[0][p+startP] startP += perT remainingP -= perT //NOTE that you can't pass in a structure parameter in a threadstart operation. See: //DisplayHelptopic "Threadstart" // for more information ThreadStart tgID, ii, myfitfunc_AAO_kernel(theCoefs, yyy, xxx) WaveClear yyy, xxx endfor finished = ThreadGroupWait(tgID, inf) finished = threadgrouprelease(tgID) //now copy back into structure wave startP = 0 perT = floor(dimsize(s.y, 0) / nt) remainingP = dimsize(s.y, 0) for(ii = 0 ; ii < nt ; ii+=1) Wave yyy = theDataY[ii] s.y[startP, startP+numpnts(yyy)] = yyy[p-startP] Waveclear yyy startP += perT remainingP -= perT endfor End



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May 14, 2010 at 03:11 pm - Permalink
Can't promise I can solve your problem, but I'll have a look.
May 15, 2010 at 04:34 am - Permalink
May 17, 2010 at 12:59 am - Permalink