Excel Functions Mapped to Igor Pro

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Standard Function Mappings
Each of these take a wave or waves as input and return a single value equivalent to the respective Excel function of the same name.
Function average(ww) wave ww variable id return (mean(ww)) end Function stdev(ww) wave ww return (sqrt(variance(ww))) end Function slope(wwy,wwx) wave wwy, wwx make/n=2/FREE fit_results CurveFit/Q/NTHR=0 line, kwCWave=fit_results, wwy /X=wwx killwaves/Z W_sigma return (fit_results[1]) end Function intercept(wwy,wwx) wave wwy, wwx make/n=2/FREE fit_results CurveFit/Q/NTHR=0 line, kwCWave=fit_results, wwy /X=wwx killwaves/Z W_sigma return (fit_results[0]) end // LINEST takes only a y-wave and an x-wave // ltype = 0 means force intercept to ZERO // stats = 1 means only slope + intercept, otherwise all values // optional how=1 means no printing (values are in W_coef and W_sigma waves) // values are printed in history area by default // slope intercept // slope regression intercept regression Function linest(wwy,wwx,ltype,stats,[how]) wave wwy, wwx variable ltype,stats, how if (ParamIsDefault(how)) how = 0 endif string theResult switch(ltype) case 0: K0 = 0 CurveFit/Q/H="10"/NTHR=0 line wwy /X=wwx break case 1: CurveFit/Q/NTHR=0 line wwy /X=wwx break endswitch wave W_coef wave W_sigma if (stats==0) W_sigma=NaN endif switch(how) case 0: sprintf theResult "%g\t%g\r%g\t%g" W_coef[1], W_coef[0], W_sigma[1], W_sigma[0] print theResult break default: break endswitch return 0 end
Non-Standard Functions
// Create a Row + Column "Spreadsheet-Like" Table // This makes a matrix wave and opens it as though it is a spreadsheet table // name - string name to generate a matrix wave // rows, cols - number of rows and columns in matrix // Example: rcdata("ralph",3,4) creates a 3x4 matrix wave named "ralph" Function rcdata(name,rows,cols) string name variable rows, cols string pStr = "" if (exists(name)==1) do sprintf pStr, "The data (matrix) %s already exists. Please choose a different name.", name prompt name, pStr DoPrompt "Rename Data", name while(exists(name)==1) endif make/O/N=(rows,cols) $name edit $name return 0 end // Calculate Averages (Down Columns or Across Rows) in a "Spreadsheet-Like" Table // This calculates the averages down a column or across a row in matrix wave and opens the resultant wave // name - string name of existing matrix wave // [rows] - optional 0 or 1 value to express that calculations are to be across rows (down columns is default) // Example: rcaverage("ralph",rows=1) creates a vector wave named "rcave_ralph" with averages across rows in "ralph" Function rcaverage(name,[rows]) string name variable rows variable rc, cc string aname if (exists(name)==0) DoAlert 0, "No data exist" return -1 endif sprintf aname, "rcave_%s",name rc = dimsize($name,0) cc = dimsize($name,1) if(ParamIsDefault(rows)) make/O/N=(1,cc) $aname else make/O/N=(rc,1) $aname endif if (strlen(WinList(aname,";","WIN:2"))==0) edit/N=$aname $aname else DoWindow/F $aname endif return 0 end



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