2D (Joint) Histogram

make /o/n=1000 data1=gnoise(1), data2=gnoise(1) make /o/n=(25,25) myHist setscale x,-3,3,myHist setscale y,-3,3,myHist JointHistogram(data1,data2,myHist) NewImage myHist
This is the function, which runs slightly differently depending on how many cores your processor has. In my experience, the MatrixOp version is faster unless you have 4 or more cores, in which case the Multithreaded Make version is faster. You don't have to worry about this, as it is taken care of automatically.
Function JointHistogram(w0,w1,hist) wave w0,w1,hist variable bins0=dimsize(hist,0) variable bins1=dimsize(hist,1) variable n=numpnts(w0) variable left0=dimoffset(hist,0) variable left1=dimoffset(hist,1) variable right0=left0+bins0*dimdelta(hist,0) variable right1=left1+bins1*dimdelta(hist,1) // Scale between 0 and the number of bins to create an index wave. if(ThreadProcessorCount<4) // For older machines, matrixop is faster. matrixop /free idx=round(bins0*(w0-left0)/(right0-left0))+bins0*round(bins1*(w1-left1)/(right1-left1)) else // For newer machines with many cores, multithreading with make is faster. make /free/n=(n) idx multithread idx=round(bins0*(w0-left0)/(right0-left0))+bins0*round(bins1*(w1-left1)/(right1-left1)) endif // Compute the histogram and redimension it. histogram /b={0,1,bins0*bins1} idx,hist redimension /n=(bins0,bins1) hist // Redimension to 2D. setscale x,left0,right0,hist // Fix the histogram scaling in the x-dimension. setscale y,left1,right1,hist // Fix the histogram scaling in the y-dimension. End



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this is a very nice example, however there is an error in your code.
The round() should be replaced by floor().
In your example half of the amount in the last histogram class per horizontal line is attributed to the first class of the next line.
Michael Huth
August 8, 2014 at 10:08 am - Permalink