Analyzing data from hemispherical spectrometers

This is a package that can be used to analyze the data from a VG Scienta (or any other) hemispherical spectrometer. In principle these packages will use for any 2D image with some form of "lines" running vertically or horizontally across it that should be summed, this is especially powerful if these lines are not perfectly straight hence causing a broadening of the summed wave, that can be minimized by aligning the rows-columns to eachother.
The packages will increase in size and complexity over time, a full documentation will hopefully be avaliable with each function as well. If you need modifications done, or even better have modified this code yourself - please contact me so that I can merge these changes into the code avaliable here.
The packages include user-friendly panels but also allows for more advanced scripting to save time for large datasets.
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The packages will increase in size and complexity over time, a full documentation will hopefully be avaliable with each function as well. If you need modifications done, or even better have modified this code yourself - please contact me so that I can merge these changes into the code avaliable here.
The packages include user-friendly panels but also allows for more advanced scripting to save time for large datasets.
Project Details
Project License: | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ |
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